2 Different Versions?
5 months ago
British Columbia, Canada

Something I noticed is that the Poki version of Jumping Clones is different from the itch.io one. One example is, on level 5, (Poki version) 2 clones are missing and there are some gaps at the top of the level, and level 7 is completely different on the Poki version. Should the Poki version be separated into a new category or are they similar enough?

British Columbia, Canada
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British Columbia, Canada
Deleted by the author
United States

I'm not sure. I think I would choose to just shun it.

United States

i just played through the poki version, since it seems to only change those two levels and not anything like the movement, i don't think a seperate category is needed

Edited by the author 5 months ago
British Columbia, Canada

what about ILs?

United States

i'll add it to that