Username Change Requests / Account Deletions
9 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hey, can I please get my name changed to "Crayons"? Without the quote marks obviously :)

Thanks a tonne!


Change name to Stonerack pls? I got WR on Dragon Escape and i changed ingame name :3

Cumbria, England

I would like to change my name to "jawibae" (with no capital letters) if that isn't too much bother.


Change mine to ''Sensible"

Indiana, USA

So we can ask for a name change here? Can I please go by ChaaosByDesign now? That is my name for literally everything else. If that is too long, Chaaos will work. Thanks.

United States

Can I get my name changed to "EeveeSpirit"? I've decided to do a full-on username change on absolutely everything for personal reasons.

Can you change my name to "HaxxorWalrus"? I just changed all my other stuff to dat.


Hi I would like to Change the capitalization of my name to "Mimimax" to match my other accounts' names. Thanks in advance.

United States

Could you change my name to "KiddySquid"? Thanks!

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

May I get my name changed to Smosism? Thank you very much in advance.

United States

Do you want me to move runs or do a username change? I can just delete if you want to confirm. You can PM me on Twitch if you want.

Washington, USA

Hello there! Could I possibly get my name changed to remove the word "entertainment" and capitalize the B and R in the first two words? So it would be just "BigRy" instead, if that isn't taken already of course lol! Thank you so much! :)