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3 years ago
French Southern Territories

@afnannen136 has more than me, but they are inactive. Also, it shouldn’t be a challenge, with too many games you cant be in the community and it affects the other players experience.

MinecraftGaming, Otterstone_Gamer and 3 others like this
United States

I agree - moderating too many games can lead to not caring about some of them. Other runners might be interested in a small community, but the moderators might not care about the game since they moderate so many others.

Shiinyu likes this

It's not just about moderating so many games. In some of the games I moderate I am the only runner (or at least was for a very long time). Even though I played and ran some of them a lot, I can only do so much before getting bored and moving on to other games.

Gaming_64, SuperAL1 and 5 others like this
Glamorganshire, Wales

@Sandstorm187 @RENI moderates a behemoth 189 games and 3 series, including both Minecraft series - I wouldn't say that much moderation is better though... Also agreed with Oreo that moderating more games isn't good in itself, I moderate a series of games for which I'm almost the only runner for all three, excluding Jaypin and a guy 5 years ago I am the only guy.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Otterstone_Gamer, SuperAL1 and 2 others like this
French Southern Territories

most i've seen so far:

@RENI @Otterstone_Gamer @AprilSR

Shiinyu and Kai. like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

i find collecting mod roles and mod role hunting, really dumb, i mean if you want to moderate a game you should only moderate games you care about, having roles for games you don't care is stupid and i remember that its also against the rules, you should know a bit about the game you moderate, having a simple increase in numbers on your info page might be cool and gain respect for you (to people who know you don't mod role hunt yet) but in the end it can lead to some consequences.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Merl_ likes this

I moderate 72 games, 3 series (4th pending to become a series) and I care for them quite a bit. Wouldn't bother with em otherwise.

New Jersey, USA


Jubilee, Bob-chicken and 10 others like this
United States

I'm not a mod Get rekt

Shiinyu, Ivory and 4 others like this