Rank 1%
4 years ago
Valencia, Spain

What about a category from 20 to 1 in both killer and surv?

Ohio, USA

What would that look like? sounds interesting.

Any/All, She/Her
4 years ago

Unless you're very dedicated, I don't think you'd do it in one sitting. As well as load times would inflate time.

Valencia, Spain

A person I know was super close to doing it, he got to rank 3 and stopped for obvious reasons but if he ever does it, why not.

Any/All, She/Her
4 years ago

We'd need someone to make a load remover for that type of thing, I cannot make that myself.

Valencia, Spain

so uh... the guy did it. He has no splits no nothing but i could get the time for you guys, here is the vid.

Any/All, She/Her
3 years ago

Would need to get a verifier, I have another game to verify and it's very active, will also need to ask other super mods.

Limburg, Netherlands

Right now I do load removing manually, it takes some more editing but it's not a big deal. The whole issue though would be if I have to re-time something myself like that I would have to literally download the entire VOD myself, which in turn would take a long time to verify and edit.

Valencia, Spain

Why would you have to download the vod if i may ask. Is it to know that is not spliced i assume?

Limburg, Netherlands

It is to be sure it's not spliced and to properly time the runs too, I load them into vegas to make sure things start and end on the right frames before verifying if the run is good.

Valencia, Spain

Like i expected, thats fine.

Any/All, She/Her
3 years ago

If someone wants to verify runs that are over 10h, then we'd need someone to do so. It's impressive and a lot of dedication, but also a lot of work for mods.

Valencia, Spain

No yeah i can totally see that, but i really don't think this guy NEEDS any kinda splice or anything. He has like, 8K hours and he has attempted it before and almost got it so. Anyways i know what is to be a mod and verify so completely understand