Where is Yotto Gargapa
3 years ago

yeah so I think we can all agree on the fact that when you read this forum thoroughly and see what all the messages, posts and threads in this particular forum are actually partially saying and also contributing but pretty much just glorifying the fact that you see the messages the way you would usually just reread another story on any other platform like facebook, reddit or mojangs minecraft forums you will clearly notice that there are far less actual informative posts about the broad range of issues that need to be targeted within the communicational systems of todays age and time while there are far less ambiguous posts about other upcoming trends that tend to have little or no meaning whatsoever in terms of the actual validity of the now not anymore so monopoly that was created when one of the moderators for this game left and another actually joined the leaderboard that is being discussed right now to the point that when you ask yourself about the actual cause and impact that this has on the videogame industry you would not even understand how little use this little piece of information is to any data collecting service that the byzantine empire used to integrate more transparency into constitutional rights such as eating twigs or building dams within the primitive districts that married lawyers were able to work in for the last twenty centuries of the international waters that can be seen as a a mirror of society that just reflects what this leaderboard and thus the forums are about.

I hope you keep that in mind when you start posting here.

dna423 likes this


Where is Yotto Gargarpa though?

dna423 likes this
European Union

what the heck was that it's my movie where are the explosion and stunta it's truth on film. no clarence you tricked us. We aren't secret boyfriends you made all that up. I made it real I made it true, we aren't just characters in your movie real people. man enough with a camera to stop filming. but the camera loves you. how would you like it if we film do you all the time made a movie about how much you love Jeff? but I do love Jeff. just give me the camera, no. Give us the camera. Nope. EMPTYSYS!

i don't see a big different is the thing, other than flags being broken, but i don't even really care about flags

dna423 likes this

Mojang has a Minecraft forum? Huh. Guess you learn something new every day.

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