Can we buy multiple of the same thing from Travelling Cart? Need answer from PC player?
1 year ago

So, on mobile versions you can buy multiple of the same item from the travelling cart, is it possible to do on PC, I am not talking about the 5 items that sometimes come into stock, on Mobile you can use a trick to buy multiple of the same(not a glitch, it's meant to be in the game, although I think it isn't there on PC)

United States

I'd need to see what that looks like. On PC it shows a limited number of items so you can only buy as many as listed. It'd likely need to be debated by mods though and potentially community too. Please share a video if you can :)

This is what I was meaning, if the same seed was on PC let's say, would you be able to buy 4 void essence and 2 rare seeds or just 1 of each?

United States

Interesting mechanic. I'd say "regular" gameplay would include buying as much as you'd want. It doesn't list any limit like pc. I'll run it past the other mods but I don't see anything wrong with it.

So, you can't do it on PC?

United States

Correct. PC has a limit for the items. It shows in the shop how many are available. Once you buy all of an item it's finished.

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