julie's kiss w/ oob
5 years ago
Georgia, USA

while messing around with the kiss buffering glitch in WDT, i discovered something wild. i was playing on a file that i hadn't saved goro on, nevertheless gotten him in jail yet, and i walked over to near where the criminal grave is out of bounds. a ? appeared over my head, and it let me go into the criminal grave. from there, i saved goro like normal, and julie gave me a kiss at the end. this completely bypasses doing illegal acts and having to do bell's kiss first. you can essentially get julie's kiss on your first visit to WDT. i don't know how this would help in an all kisses run, nevertheless if glitches are allowed in all kisses, but i thought it'd be interesting to note.

this glitch was found on the ntsc-u ps2 release.

Northern Ireland

Oh yeah that's been known about for quite a while now. Sadly it's useless in All Kisses due to it making Policeman impossible to kiss, and Thief Tip-Toe too if you haven't kissed him prior to doing it. The question mark that lets you enter the criminal grave seems to be some sort of unused trigger that either the devs used during testing, or maybe they planned to let you revisit the prison but scrapped it. Something interesting about it is that if you use OoB to re-enter the prison and attempt to leave, the game will always try to play the cutscene with Goro and Julie, as you should only be able to leave the prison once and never again after freeing Goro. The result is the game softlocking, which if I recall correctly, is due to the fact that the game can no longer use Goro's model to progress the scene after you've already freed him.

Georgia, USA

yeah, found that out afterwards lol

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