Any% with Lava tube skip
7 years ago

Why don't you add a leaderboard for runs that use lava tube skip like headstrong is attempting and change any% to any% no lava tube skip

Jumpyluff likes this
Colorado, USA

I'd prefer to keep Any% No LTS over Any% No Major Skips. Any% NMS is very loosely defined it seems. No LTS is a very clear rule, and there are more relevant times for it.


Not to be rude but watch his stream

Wisconsin, USA
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

HS has said in the past that he doesn't like the idea of adding another category just for LTS. He thought the best way was to keep any% the way it is, and add LTS to it, and NMS would be kept the same. This does mean that the current route would be phased out, but that happens with a lot of games that find a skip like this. It's basically just a route change.

Illinois, USA

Any% with (x skip) is redundant. Any% will always be the fastest route, so we would instead create a new category called Any% No LTS.

Jumpyluff and Ash_Marks like this
Colorado, USA

i disagree with HS because no major skips is shit and arbitrary.

I'm not saying Any% WITH x skip, i'm saying Any% NO x skip, which isn't redundant. i just hope the mods do the right thing.

Colorado, USA

nevermind, the 56 is gone, they already fucked it up, good meme everybody


This isn't as simple of an issue as anyone here really seem to present in their arguments. We're curently in the progress of trying to figure this out and come up with the best solution we can.