cheated run.
2 years ago

@Brakshow заберайте без возвратов! И да я сомневаюсь что вы видели полный забег! @Brakshow take it without refunds! And yes, I doubt that you have seen the full race!

Indiana, USA

@PakLomak Никаких возмещений, мне это нравится. Это сделка. @PakLomak No refunds? Its a deal!

The rest of his runs all look legit to me too, so if we get burned...well, what's one more burn for an American?

PakLomak likes this

Вас не удивляет что он вообще не пытается оправдаться, в чем проблема просто поговорить с людьми и обелить свое имя объяснить что за программу использовал для заморозки окон, вот даже сейчас в чем проблема название программы сказать?, в чем смысл удалять видео если там все законно? Почему в runs лагает если на экране не чего не происходит? очень много вопросов а ответов нет.

You are not surprised that he does not try to make excuses at all, what is the problem just to talk to people and whitewash his name, explain what kind of program he used to freeze windows, even now what is the problem with the name of the program ?, what is the point in deleting the video if everything is legal there ? Why does runs lag if nothing is happening on the screen? a lot of questions but no answers.


Меня очень поразило, что люди напали на меня с оскорблениями и клеветой, не до конца понимая ситуацию. Я вижу, что люди вообще ничего не понимают технически от слова совсем, так как они начали строить какие-то выдуманные аргументы о лагах и других вещах. Я вообще был в шоке, когда услышал столько всякого говна и мистификаций про меня и мой ран. Но, конечно, всегда легче огорчить и изгнать человека, чем разобраться в матчасти. Что ж, после такого отношения ко мне у меня совсем нет желания находиться в таком е*%#ом сообществе. Спасибо за Ваше внимание. Прошу прощения, если кого-то оскорбил.

I am more surprised that people attack me with insults and slander, not fully understanding the situation. I see that people do not understand anything technically in a computer at all, since they began to build some kind of invented arguments about lags and other things. But, of course, it is always easier to offend and expel a person than to understand the mathematical part. Well, after such an attitude towards me, I have absolutely no desire to be in such a rotten community. Thank you for your attention.

Brakshow likes this

@Werzhil Это все последствия твоего игнора! В диске замутился, теперь ран в вк удалил, названия программы тоже не говоришь и кто тут после этого ебунутый?Если ты по факту ответить не можешь, то что тут думать должны?

stereodoGGG, HosteL, and Alex_Toad like this

@Werzhil 1). Слушай, пиздабол, что за прогу ты там высрал сейчас с замораживанием окон? 2). Почему ты не вышел на связь, когда тебя звали? 3). У тебя скачет FPS из-за сейвов или ревинда и ты не сможешь доказать обратное, поэтому молчишь. 4). Удалил ран в ВК, где ты из плеера запустил свой ран раньше, чем на другом любом хосте. 5). Твои кулстори в каждом пб, где ты нихера не палишься (тенген, батлсити) 6). Ты говорил за материнку, но она никаким образом не влияет на производительность. 7). Ты высрал свой лайут на "другом" компе каким-то образом и первый ран в месене - сразу пб. 8).Ты пытаешься что-то доказать, обвиняя в незнании, хотя ни одного пруфа кроме воды не кинул.

JamesNightstalker, GreyGurd and 8 others like this
United States

Currently, the evidence against Werzhil is not strong enough to support removing his run from the leaderboard. This concrete evidence is 2 spots in which the audio does not match his gameplay perfectly. This could be related to a PC issue with the emulator. I'm not certain.

There has also been a pointing out to the Mesen emulator not displaying correctly while paused, however this evidence is not strong, and Werhilz has refuted this saying he used a program to reduce resources.

Though a couple pieces of audio may be out of place, the bulk of the run has mic audio that matches the gameplay of the video. This is a strong support to his run in my opinion, as faking something like that for a whole run, seems, like an absurd deception to pull off.

Many people have inspected his run and have tried to find things that are weird. One of those things actually is a strategy that some of the top runners hadn't considered! Using the Shield in the Sardius battle at the end of the game to block one of the lasers.

I will say that it certainly is possible to advance to this level in a short period of time. Some people can pick up games very quickly, which involves efficient practice, and study of the game. Werhilz has no obligation to prove his innocence, if we are to go by virtue of 'Innocent until proven guilty' especially in the context of this leaderboard alone. And it seems that obligation has diminished, in return for how he has been treated.

Brakshow, pile, and Teleo1 like this

@Werzhil No one is trying to slander you, just asking questions which need to answered for runs to be accepted by mods. You need to understand that you're claiming to be better than hundreds of people, and all of those people are going to highly doubt you. That's not slander, you are saying that you're better than lots of top players. If you choose to submit runs and ask for acceptance by the community then you will be asked to prove legitimacy. First of all you are not using safe strategies, you are using some advanced and risky strategies. I cannot do some of these strategies at all, let alone in a near perfect run. You say you had computer problems and were using old splits, that makes sense, but again that just needs to be explained. You say there are invented arguments about lag, but the way the entire emulator lags after the Hydra is very unusual. Has anyone else ever seen that happen before? I have never seen that happen, but I understand the computer itself could lag after the laggy boss.

It doesn't matter how many challenging games you've been through, would anyone else agree that this game isn't too difficult and doesn't take long to learn with safe strategies? I doubt it, sorry but that doesn't sound like something a top runner would say.

As @Pikachu said, you need to show the mods live runs or this run will likely be rejected. I hope you do it!

Edited by the author 2 years ago
JamesNightstalker, GreyGurd and 2 others like this
United States

Werhilz has removed his run from the leaderboard.

However, with the run removed by Werhilz himself, it seems that no further action be taken. At least, I'm not sure what we as the mods should do immediately.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Magestikal likes this

Народ, искренне прошу прощения за весь этот бардак. Да, вы действительно спалили монтаж: начало видео, прыжки фпс, некоторые опасные тактики (но на самом деле я многие опасные трюки выполнял без повторов, и зря кто-то сомневается, что я не могу так играть), поэтому честно сказать у меня не ушло много времени на монтаж, т к в целом многое проходилось с первого раза. У меня действительно не было несколько дней компа, и потом я за пару-тройку часов в первый день после ремонта сделал запись, монтаж и запустил стрим. Я даже сам не знал, что фпс может прыгать от сейвов, но это еще предстоит проверить. Фантазировать больше ничего не собираюсь и баловаться с монтажом тоже. Хотите верьте, хотите нет. Я уже сделал для себя выводы, что нужно меньше лениться и вкладывать больше труда в тренировки. Удалил я свой ран сам своими руками. Еще раз извиняюсь, что доставил вам хлопот, разбирательств. Будьте здоровы! :)

GreyGurd and Magestikal like this
United States

@Anankoz They need to be translated and proofed yet, but may not be necessary to show with Werzhil's previous post.


I hope you come through and deliver with another better live video @Werzhil . . . Based on this video I'd say you might be top 10 so now you legitimately have the chance to either admit that the video is fake...or beat it. If you think that this game isn't too difficult then you can beat a lot of top runners out here, so you can put in the work right now and post a legit live video to prove how good you are. Dare you to do it :)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
stereodoGGG likes this
United States

@Werzhil has lost his right to submit to the Ghosts'n Goblins Series leaderboard as a result of what has happened. I understand he showed some remorse for what he did, and I hope he can continue honestly from here on out.

If I understood correctly, the method to cheat used was editing gameplay of multiple save states together. This explains the matching audio (Most of the time.)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Magestikal likes this
Indiana, USA

Gah! That's what I get for going out on a limb. The lesson of the day? Always trust the majority of Russians because they're probably right. Burned again :)

Connecticut, USA

i wouldnt say people were protecting him, but more trying to give a fair chance to a total stranger and not jumping to conclusions till its 100%. maybe language barriers give off different tones than intended when reading.

but yeah either way, dude should probably pick up a new hobby besides speedrunning.


@pile everyone tried give him chance, he did his run 10 days ago, i did this thread yesterday, that enough. he answer me only yesterday.

@Brakshow Так вы его забирайте? @Brakshow So you're taking him away?

Brakshow likes this
Indiana, USA

@PakLomak Yeah.....I guess we're stuck with him. We'll just lock him in a cell somewhere and throw away the key @PakLomak Да ... Думаю, мы застряли с ним. Мы просто закроем его где-нибудь в камере и выбросим ключ

JamesNightstalker, HosteL and 3 others like this