PSA: Check your StyleSwitcher.ini if you're using it.
6 years ago

Using StyleSwitcher is fine to get rid of the sound bugs that can lower your FPS significantly during your run, but we found something that is not really allowed in the run, as SS allows you to chain 2 Air Hikes or more, depending on these:


If you change one of these, you'll get more or less ¤insert thing you've changed¤. This is most noticeable in NG+ Dante runs, as SD/SLDK costumes allows you to get towards some places a lot faster than NG route, and if you'll get more jumps(or Air Hikes) / Sky Stars, that's just unfair.

Therefore, if you're using SS, consider changing Air Hike / Sky Star values to 1. The runs won't get rejected because you're using SS, but they most likely will get rejected if you'll use more resources than Steam ver. of DMC3SE can offer.

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