1 year ago
South Africa

I was thinking of creating a new BotW meme category called Goldilink% based on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The rules are:

• Sit on a chair three times • Prepare and eat three Vegetable Risottos (closest thing to porridge) • Lay on a bed three times • Get mauled by a Honeyvore Bear. This must be done in order.

Timing starts upon gaining control of Link. Timing ends on the frame the Game Over screen pops up after being mauled by the Honeyvore Bear.


Define 'sit on a chair' since there's no ingame prompt to do so. I also highly doubt this will be added on the boards, even if 5 people do run it

RhinoHorn7 likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

The closest to sitting on a chair would be to crouch on a chair.