Stock Car All Race Category
5 years ago
Śląskie, Poland


I was thinking, maybe we should add one more category "Stock Car All Races"? Currently we have only wreckin' race which is pure RNG, and Stock Car which is no much better. I got my PB 24minutes in like first 1 hour of playing, but i cannot publish it because of poor sound and tbh it was very bad driving by me, and in next 9 more hours of playing i could not get as much luck with points as in my PB.

Therefore I think that we should add Stock Car All Races which will be more competitive/not luck depended than current categories.


A good idea imo. Would get rid of the AI scoring RNG and shift it over to driving skill.

ChuZZZta likes this

I added new sub-categories to Stock Car so you guys can now submit runs including either any or all races.

The requirement is racing all tracks until the black-white flag appears. That means - since you can not restart a race - if you die on a track you have to either do the current season over or reset the entire run.

The already submitted runs for Stock Car have been filed under the sub-category "Any races".

Happy driving !

Ohio, USA

hey do you want to add categories for individual levels as well? post your best time for each track?

Ohio, USA

also my copy off ebay came in the mail today so i might fire it back up soon


I was thinking about that already. Would be handy I guess. I could add them as IL no problem.

Would be cool to have you back on board :P You play the real thing on a PS2 ?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Ohio, USA

i only have the old school PS1, so no quick load speed for me.


But in exchange some good old nostalgia. What a glorious grey box that thing is. :D

Added ILs for Time Trial submissions. Also added a field "car" to be selected on submission (Rookie / Amateur / Pro) since we use quite different ones.

buffalax likes this

Is stopping the timer at the menu only really necessary? You're already easily winning by doing all races.

While I was grinding my runs I stopped the timer at the finish line of Ultimate Destruction.


I'm afraid seeing the winner screen is mandatory.. You could survive all races in Division 1, but not gain enough points to win the division. That would not count towards "finishing the game".


Survive, yeah. But since we are speedrunning this shit winning is pretty much default.

Ontario, Canada

I agree with Tume. By crossing the line you have won the game. No further input is needed to reach the "winner" screen.

Ohio, USA

you still need the proof of winning. that's why the timer was made to stop when the winner screen appears. whether you think winning is a given or not it still needs to be there.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Or alternatively you can just show the screen after you stop the timer...when I did my run on GT2 dealership%, I show the game completion percentage only after stopping the timer...if it doesn't meet the requirement then it's not legit.

Again, must I remind that us as speedrunners are bound to win every time unless RNG goes wild? If you can't win in division 1 then you shouldn't post a time to begin with.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Even though it's called "Stock Car - All Races", the main goal of this run is still to win the championship with an additional condition to finish all races. So for a ruleset that is valid for every run in this category, we need to find a spot that marks the definite end of the run.

Fair enough, if you didn't press any buttons after crossing the finish line in UDS and you had enough points, you'll see the winner screen. But if you didn't have enough points, you won't and the run isn't over since you're able to restart division 1. If you reset at this point, it's your choice. But the ruleset must be valid regardless of this choice.

For that reason, the earliest part in the run where we can definitely put a cut is the winner screen.


I like having the timer stopping at the end screen because it keeps it consistent with the "Any Races" category, where if you run risky strats you'll lose more often than not.

Beside, it's only a few seconds in the end.


The unexpected happened to me now. :D Before I was always able to win but this time, the AI fought back big time.