1 year ago
Reno, NV, USA

In scratcharts track 2 shortcut run after he bounces off the popper he gets a second bounce off the rail, does anyone know what cause it.

California, USA

I don't know i think the tire clipped into the rail then pushed the car up more than how much the tire was in to the rail if we could store that than shortcut runs would be saved after checkpoints come out as to go a checkpoint and bounce to the finish line the bounce looked small but I think that's because of speed

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

ngl didn't even know that there was more than 1 bug in this game

Reno, NV, USA

I wish there was a way to consistently do it

Reno, NV, USA

Maybe it can be used for clip into a mountain

United States

during my 10 random level run i think the 2nd or 3rd track i got a bug finish

California, USA

Maybe Like The Rammstein Bug

California, USA

Test For The Glitch I Call it The achstein bug


United States

can't import the code from here not sure why

California, USA

I Losted The Original Track So I Made A New One


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