wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Is there like a way they can code these video pop-ups that materialize after every single page change or refresh to pop up every once in a while instead of every single time? It is really really really annoying reading the forums and having to click out of a pop up video after every page change.

Maybe I should just scrap Chrome for Brave or DuckDuckGo...really rather not have to run another program just to addblock for one single site that I visit.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Awesome thanks Merl and Star for the updates :)

Pear to się podoba
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

People keep saying they "think" they're working on an update to this. Has elo actually responded to anything saying this is something they're going to fix?

Pear, Ivory i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Maybe he was trying to preempt his obviously incoming ban by telling the teacher what he did before the hammer came down?

I just pulled that completely out of my behind.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Likely....as in wink wink I got me some inside info kinda Likely? Or you're just guessing like the rest of us?

I guess it doesn't matter. Knowing him he'll probably tell every board on the site about it once his ban is up.

Gaming_64, Pear i 3 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

As I posted in his other thread before it was deleted. We really need to be getting reasons to peoples bans. People do not want to be part of a community in which rules are so ambiguously applied that everyone has to feel like they're walking a razors edge anytime they have a complaint.

That being said, I'm sure the OP did something deserving of it in DMs knowing his demeanor; because I've seen nothing on here, outside of impatience and snark, that should get anyone banned (then again im not exactly following everything he says here lol)

Gaming_64, happycamper_ i 7 inne podobało się to
wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@MrSamper99 should also probably private message the mod in question first before running to forums to report them.

Theres often many reasons why a thing may look the way it does, and its normally because the mod is trying to make something fit into the constraints this website sets for them.

SuperAL1, Shiinyu i 4 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@Darq_Massacres there is zero chance you have not seen a watchmojo add on this site unless you're running adblock. I get a new one 15 seconds after I close out of the one that currently pops up immediately upon changing to another page or refreshing.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@Garsh unfortunately that isn't the smartest way to go about this. We do not need to indulge the OP in his brashness, dismissiveness or impatience; but we do need some of his points to be addressed. We could ban him, and delete this thread right now, but we'd still have all of the exact same complaints in another thread by someone else within 24 hours because his complaints aren't meritless.

Just as a FYI: I've written this message twice now (it was better the first time), but when I went to click "Post", an add popped up at the exact moment, I clicked it, and the page took me away and everything I typed was lost when I clicked "back". So yeah....epic

Imaproshaman, Shiinyu i 5 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

I'm not a big fan of this Del guys' posts....but they're removing the feedback/suggestion forum? Like going to just an anonymous...one user submitted....easily ignorable....feedback button?

You need to have a forum so when a suggestion or complaint is made, the community can come together to develop those suggestions into legitimate possible improvements for the site, or they can come together to resolve the complaint (as most complaints come from people not understanding something about the site).

Am I missing something here? A direct feedback button is cool, as long as it's an addition. If they subtract the site forum then that is majorly antithetical to building and maintaining a strong community.

Imaproshaman, Shiinyu i 6 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@gamehasheZ The suggestion isn't a bad one in my opinion GameHasheZ, but the timing is awful. The site is going through new ownership and is rolling out an entire smorgasbord worth of new tools, settings and features. So I don't think they are going to jump on any major changes like this just right now. For the time being, I'm just hoping they get this one straightened out and working well the way they want it, and after thats been rolled out, beta tested, fully rolled out and patched further (months from now probably), it'd be cool if they looked at something like this.

As it stands now TG is the only real player outside of specific game forums like donkey kong forum; and their rules are super strict (have to have disconnected cam to show yourself turning on physical console and inserting legit physical copy of game while showing all hookups, then your run, and it also has to be the NTSC-U/C version of any game run). I do like how all TG members review a submission and give it an upvote or downvote tho; really gives a sense of a complete community the way it's set up. Too bad for their poor history. Maybe Jace can bring it back from the brink? Either way SRC is primed to take that real estate for the taking if they went for the points games too...but it would be a lot of work.

Pear, Shiinyu, i Merl_ podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

I'm curious about this too.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

If there's that many games coming out every week (there isn't by a long shot, but I get your point), then thats' even more a reason to disallow pvp/endless/terrible mobile/flash games or it'll be even worse.

Also, just because a thing exists now that sucks (Bajillions of terrible categories), doesn't mean said sucky thing should be allowed ad infinitum to all possible genres. I'd argue restrictions should be put on categories to keep them in line with site rules about length and notability. I mean what sense does it make to deny a game that only has 50 mobile downloads from the app store but allow a category that 1-2 people play worldwide? If you're going to enforce a rule like for new games, you should hold new categories at the very least to the same standard.

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@Bullets because 99% of this community doesn't want to see a homepage that looks like this every single day:

Fortnite 1st Place: Tutorial Level 1 ANY % w/Knife Fortnite 1st Place: Tutorial Level 2 ANY% w/SMG Fortnite 1st Place: Tutorial Level 1 ANY % w/o Knife sub Fist Fortnite 1st Place: Tutorial Level 1 ANY % w/Knife first checkpoint Fortnite 1st Place: Tutorial Level 1 ANY % w/Knife first to second checkpoint while eating an apple dipped in peanut butter ETC.

It's stupid an adds nothing to the hobby when parameters become so arbitrary to the point of meaninglessness. Of course I'm exaggerating on some examples and may make no sense in the context of the game, because I don't play Fortnite; but the game isn't my gripe, it's the genre in general in the context of speedruns. Resources are not limitless, and the more games that are hosted and supported, requires more resources from the site and community to support. SRC didn't change their rules in respect to pvp and endless games a year ago just to be spiteful jerks, they did it because it was getting out of control and hard for them to manage; as it will again if those restrictions were lifted.

chilsie i Merl_ podobało się to
wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Uh huh

wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

@Pear 🍐 I hope they stick to those rules.

Problem is, if the profit incentive is the most important thing to the new ownership, then opening the floodgates to Among Us, Fortnite and every new pvp fps that has popularity will be to their benefit because it'll mean more people watching ads.

I think that'll kill this site tho. Speedrunning becomes a laughing stock if evey game just becomes inundated with pointless, arbitrary and superfluous categories for WRs no one cares about save for the one person who runs it.

Imaproshaman, chilsie i 2 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Everything about this thread is amazing

Shiinyu, 1UpsForLife i 12 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

And it will still never be accepted in its current form.

The site isn't interested in online, unending, or pvp oriented games that game moderators can just make up on a whim endless and arbitrary categories for free WRs.

There is nothing stopping you or any of these people from making a board to keep track of all of these made up runs. Theres among us forums already in existence that could do just that. It just won't be here unless the game changes significantly.

Shiinyu to się podoba
wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

Does my kids fighting and my wife screaming at me count as music?

jackzfiml, james i 8 inne podobało się to
wątek: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow3 years ago

I'm with you on the self verification HIghtail, less so on moderation being a job. I never verify my own runs and always reach out to my other mod if I have a new PB. It's honestly just more of a preference since I'm sure most mods verifying their own runs are doing so legitimately and because their other mods are less active or nonexistent. On the mod side of things, I agree that you need to have people passionate about the game they are modding and invested in the community for that game building to give the best experience. I don't think that has to be done with a massive amount of priority and seriousness to the extent that it would cause anyone any stress though. I have 4 children and a wife I support as well as a full time job; and while I'm sm of a fairly small game and community, I put probably an hour into it a day reaching out to others who've submitted new runs or on the discord talking up the game to keep interest alive, and that seems to work pretty well.

Guess it really depends more on the size of the community, popularity of the game, and amount of mods that are active in helping. If you have a proportionate amount of trustworthy aand active mods in any game, none of them should have to stress themselves too hard or overwork themselves to keep that community strong and board solid.

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