All 1UPs No Level Select route which I thought is allowed?
5 years ago
Kanagawa, Japan


I thought a new All 1UPs No Level Select route.

  1. Get 1-1,1-2,2-1,3-1,5-1 1UP mushrooms using conventional route
  2. Go to 4-1, and Game Over in 4-1
  3. Get 4-1,6-1,7-1,8-1,8-2 1UP mushrooms and beat the game using the continue code. After you soft reset, You can start from 4-1 because you did game over in 4-1. The time I ran is 14:03 (this is faster than WR and this run has a lot of time save) (no video sorry).

I have a question. The route is allowed? Yes/No and why?

Thank you.

Alabama, USA

why no video, think u could do it again but on video?

Kanagawa, Japan

@NickySteingraber Sure. I will do it again on video, but I am getting out now. Please wait.

NickySteingraber likes this
Kanagawa, Japan

Here is the run using new route. The time is 13:56 (also this run has a lot of time save). Splits I/O:

youtubeman06, barnowl and 2 others like this
Portland, OR, USA

Copied directly from the rules: Game over/reset is allowed

You have found the secret of using continue after a soft reset ^_^

Love that 4-2 Fire Grab as well

California, USA

for me it doesn't work, is it because of i'm using a smb+duck hunt cartridge?

Kanagawa, Japan

@youtubeman06 Hmm... At least, it works on original Famicom NTSC cartridge, 3DSVC and WiiUVC.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Tokyo, Japan

In the case of smb + duck hunt cartridge, since reset = hard reset, it seems that this procedure can not be used.

barnowl and mammaru339 like this
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