Where is the current btt sheet?
4 years ago
Meath, Ireland

Equans btt sheet is in resources but its not up to date. Where is the current one? Thanks

KilleDragon likes this

I don't know if the BTT sheet is going to be updated anymore, but I know that Mark Lukas regularly uploads BTT videos on his youtube channel. I think that it is the place where the new BTTs are going to be from now on

KilleDragon likes this
Meath, Ireland

How would you submit a btt segment that's better than the current one? @Wimti

KilleDragon likes this

Well that's a good question, I don't really know, I think that the people who are making the BTT are selcting the best segments in runs that are already submitted and on the leaderboards, I don't think there are submissions. However, as I said, I don't really know, so I think you should ask in the SMO discord for more information

KilleDragon likes this
United States

Go to the SMO speedrunning discord. There are channels for the BTT. you can also find the sheet here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cwB7H0kn9gMwo9Wx7DgzaZKMY-BQlifWT8poQz8HudE/edit#gid=1989993514)

SuperM789, Wimti, and KilleDragon like this
Basque Country

Yeah, the is a channel of "btt discusse" about the route changes or others and another one of "btt clips" just to submit clips, and they are constantly making new clips to improve the btt

04dude3 likes this
Connecticut, USA

@Wimti That's not correct. Please don't answer questions you don't know the answer to. You are encouraged to get segments, and the videos just serve as milestones. As Dagolis said, there's are BTT channels in the SMO Discord, and the current sheet is this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cwB7H0kn9gMwo9Wx7DgzaZKMY-BQlifWT8poQz8HudE/. I hope this answers your question @Wilko_314

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Wimti and KilleDragon like this

the btt sheet is in the btt discord server, for any% go to main-board and at the top of ur screen, for ce its the same thing, just go to main-board-ce.

Link to the server https://discord.com/channels/631245374153293844/631245374153293847