Are there anything in particular you need to know about which version. I have the PAL version and I am wondering if there is any difference in text speeds like in other gamecube games and if so which is the fastest language. Also is there any advantage with NTSC over PAL?
for gamecube:
ntsc is fastest, jp is the same as ntsu except secret safe weighs 85 instead of 40, pal is much slower because the game runs at a lower fps.
for wii: ntsc and pal are equal, jp still has the same disadvantage
for switch: all are equal i think
Yes thank you. I definitely noticed the game was running a lot slower. I'm gonna buy a NTSC-U copy of the game.π
the time difference between NTSC-U and NTSC-J is very minor. if you can only find a JP copy of the GC version, that shouldnt be a big problem, and may even be preferred because they tend to be far less expensive than the US version discs
I started on PAL and can say it can make the learning curve easier since it's slower therefore easier. I played PAL for over 2 months at which point I was a 6 day runner. The point is you can play on any version and still build up skill if it suits you. After that if you want to be competetive on the leaderboard feel free to get NTSC.