So...What about Linux?
3 years ago

"Autosplitter + Load Remover MANDATORY" ...would not be an entirely bad thing, except that's not at all possible here on Linux.

Can I have a pass on that, or can someone please make Livesplit viable for Linux distros?

  • Windows is not an option.
  • No, not even in a VM (would be unplayable anyway).
Ohio, USA

For the time being, have your run note mention that you are on Linux and we can retime it.


I think officially the game is only supported on Windows, so the rules being layed out for Windows sounds only logical to me. The best way for you to comply with the rules would be to play the game on its supported platform, Windows. The best way generally would be if we'd find a way to have a software similar to LiveSplit available for any other platform, regardless of the game being supported or them, though we don't at the moment.

Notice that I'm in no way a moderator or anything! :D I'm only stating my opinion on this topic.

Clark_O_Tron likes this

@HaxScrpt I'm not going to use the worst possible platform just because I'm told to, that's completely out of the question and I will not change my stance on that. Games play just fine (frequently better) on Linux and complying with the rules is also as such.

Barring that, I discovered a way to force autosplitting to work for most non-native games, so I'll try my method on Phantom Abyss at some point if I get back into running. Sorry if I caused a headache before, I advocate for Linux a lot cause things that can be done on Windows can be done on Linux (again, often better) but people tend to put it on the backburner.

For any other Linux users wondering:

You can make LiveSplit's autosplitting module work by adding every DLL in LiveSplit's folders and sub-folders to a winedlloverrides.json file with each having Native then Built-in (=n,b;), load the json through the game's Launch Options (WINEDLLOVERRIDES="path_to_json"), then launch the game, then launch LiveSplit in the same game's prefix using ProtonTricks' launcher (LiveSplit must be launched after the game, the reverse causes issues):

protontricks-launch --no-bwrap

Example for Phantom Abyss:

protontricks-launch --no-bwrap --appid 989440

This will launch LiveSplit in the prefix for 989440 (Phantom Abyss), meaning LiveSplit can directly communicate with the game. If anyone wants support for this let me know. It will be different depending on your distro. The method I showed is for Arch users (and Manjaro, which I tested this on), but similar methods, or maybe even the same one, are most certainly possible for others.