New category: 1M with NewGRF no FF
3 years ago
North Brabant, Netherlands

This category would be interesting, as it could cause a bit of an arms-race kinda deal among newgrf developers such as myself, and could make for some highly optimised runs, which would be pretty interesting.

The rules would be the same as 1M custom settings no FF, but it would allow for NewGRFs.

Bretagne, France

Yes, I agree to add it can be interesting.

Bretagne, France

I added the category, the name and provisional because I do not know if we add subcategory and for the rules, Do we allow game scripts in this category?

North Brabant, Netherlands

We should definitely not allow Gamescripts, ever. I could learn to make Gamescripts in an afternoon and write one to instantly complete the challenge, so that's akin to using cheats.