New n Tasty 100%
9 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

WIth your number order, we do it as 6,5,2,1,4,3.

The only reason I do it in that order is because when you end in 3, u can immediately just press up and youll immediately grab the edge and head for the exit.

And starting at 6, also happens to mean that we have the minimum amount of movement between doors.

Offtopic, I made an Alf's escape trick showcase. Thanks to Br0k3nSw0rds for a couple of these.


end of zulag 4 stuffs



The goal in the any% video is to kill the Slig with the second grenade. Timing is a bit tricky, usually I start aiming when I see the explosion from the first grenade, but I messed up and threw it a bit early there (worked out anyway).

Not killing the Slig makes things ... tricky. You can avoid him while getting to the top lever, but he can shoot you through the gate that drops when you press the button on the elevator, so you'll probably have to possess him anyway. A little unfair:

New South Wales, Australia

Thats an impressive find. The big thing there is that when u trigger the generator cutscene the first set of slogs despawn.

And yeah, if u go up an elevator and a slig sees you, hell kill u, as long as your still technically on his level. Happens in Alf's escape alot.


Technically they don't despawn, they just go to sleep in front of their respective kennels for some reason. So you need to make sure that all of the slogs from the furthest right kennel run into the electric wall, otherwise they'll be waiting for you when you get down from pulling the lever.

That's why I waited a little while before pulling the second lever on the any% video, just to be sure that they'd all run into the electric. But at the same time, if you don't get the Slig into the corner then the camera will pan back to Abe instead of teleporting, which is pretty slow and gives the Slogs more of a chance to catch up, so you can't leave it too long.

New South Wales, Australia

I guess reset would be the better word then.

Texas, USA

That Zulag 4 strat is really good. I've tried using the grenades in the past, but I never thought of using them to trigger the motion sensor. Wish I didn't have to work so I could practice that.

Texas, USA

So I'm talking to one the people who tested the PC version and he shared me this vide. Let's just say.... Mind was blown.

New South Wales, Australia

Im assuming none of that can be applied to a run :P Although Ive never thought of using the quiksave lagg to go through stuff. Though in a speedrun it might do more harm than good.

Bristol, England

I am now looking into these glitches and currently perfecting and planning a route for the easy mode. Once I have ideas on where is the best place to do the lag glitches I will start doing runs.

New South Wales, Australia

So were splitting the categories right? Riiiiiight?

Whats happening. If this glitch is used in the run to save time, then it should either be its own category or the PC version should be seperate.

Also, the glitch seems to be dependent on lagg. So I assume people with lower spec PC's cant do this trick without either crashing their game or maybe they dont have the FPS to do it. If everyone cant do it it might have to be its own category.

Texas, USA

New bee skips strats are OP.

This works on Scrabania too.


I can get the Quicksave glitch on my Linux partition no problem but I can't get it on Windows at all.

I can only get it to work by pressing both Quicksave and Quickload at the same time. I don't know if that's how the video did it but the video doesn't show the angry mudokon that comes up when you try to Quickload too quickly after Quicksaving, so I think he must be doing something different. A couple of the videos on his channel are marked "pre-game release" so maybe they only introduced that behaviour afterwards? It's not really something that they'd need to worry about for the PS4 version since you need to hold the button for a while to Quickload anyway.

Maybe it was a bug that they only fixed on Windows? I'm pretty sure the original video is on the Windows version, at least, because the little messages that appear between areas don't come up on Linux and they do in the video.

I made a video of the last areas of the game (where the glitch can save the most time, I think) as kind of a proof of concept I guess. It saves around a minute and a half over starwin's run, despite making a load of mistakes and (what feels like) pretty bad slowdown. I'm not sure how much of that could be down to loading screen differences.

New South Wales, Australia

So its not something u can do on PS4 (or any console) because u gotta quickload as well? Then it either has to be its own category or PC has to be split from consoles.

Because even the IGT will be faster.

Bristol, England

in the Stockyards return level, what's the best way to get passed those mines without using rocks? Every time I roll into them they just explode.

Plus I have managed to go through Zulag 1 without needing to kill Slogs:

New South Wales, Australia

FreeFirezones all about catching cycles. Heres a video from Qwerku, one of the first runners of the game who had the original 1:18 time in Freefirezone, back when me and sutiibu were struggling to get sub 1:50 with rocks.

We each have different strategies for the end but up til the mine skip everyones run is the same.


Found a way to get the infinite roll glitch consistently but I can only find one place where it's useful

(Sorry I messed up once while recording, the death isn't important) Basically you double-jump to grab a ledge of a platform on the same level as you. Then you start rolling and try to jump out of the roll.

There were a couple of other places I thought of in the Stockyards but it didn't work out.

I don't think it's the only way to get the glitch, but maybe knowing more about what causes it might at least make it less likely to happen when you don't want it to. It's a really annoying glitch.

New South Wales, Australia

Nice find. If It is consistent we should do it. Itll save a lot of time in some places, probably more so in 100%.

A friend of mine who was playing casually got a glitch in the 3rd stockyards secret area that sounds just like the invincibility death glitch in Abes oddysey, the one you use to get to FFZ early. If we can replicate it, it can cut the run by 50%.

New South Wales, Australia

Just PB'd in Hundo %. Uploading it now.

New South Wales, Australia

My 2:14 times wasnt close to being worthy of praise. Id say this ones worth enough to have the world record label. But I can get it so much lower.


[quote=Shade667]A friend of mine who was playing casually got a glitch in the 3rd stockyards secret area that sounds just like the invincibility death glitch in Abes oddysey, the one you use to get to FFZ early. If we can replicate it, it can cut the run by 50%.[/quote]

I just got this but I don't know what causes it. Afterwards I tried to get it again. I figured it would be pretty easy because I knew exactly what I'd done (I only started the game 5 minutes before) but it didn't happen again.

(I only got a minute and a half of the glitch, the rest of the video is trying to get it again)

When the Slig shot me after the pulley got to the bottom, I spawned next to the rag-dolled Abe rather than at the beginning of the level and I could run through the electric fences and the Slig ignored me.

I don't know what I did different on my first try. Outside of some Quickloads, I think I did exactly the same thing.

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