Old Run Archive w/ Explanation
3 years ago
United States

Today a meeting was had with, @LegnaX, @Cute_Spide, @Samtastic, @Azloh, @QuantumKris, and @MarkTheW0lf.

It was decided that we would now disallow a few specific tricks that were previously allowed.

  • Quantum Cap trick (This mainly due to the fact that it is not possible to execute it on PC with a controller. This limits playability with this game.

  • Players can not use checkpoint restarts to skip non-FMV cutscenes. This was another keyboard exclusive trick. So, to maintain fairness this is no longer allowed.

Due to these changes, a vast amount of runs are no longer allowed on the boards. All of those invalid runs will now be placed here that way they can still be checked into if wanted.

United States

Format for adding runs

(Name of the Runner) (Category) (Date of the initial Submission) (Person who verified the run with the date) (Time of the run) (Reason For Rejection) (Run Link)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

A complete list of all of the runs that were violating rules that were set in place. Some of these runs were breaking basic rules at the time and were verified anyway but they should all now be resolved.

Runs reviewed by @MarkTheW0lf Any%, 100% NMG, Any% NMG (Easy) Runs reviewed by @LegnaX: Any% NMG, 100%, Good Ending #Any% Runs is no longer invalid

Runner: qwerku Category: Any% Date of the submission: Nov 17 2015, 00:56 Verifier and date: Samtastic - Nov 17 2015, 00:56 Time: 24:06 - 20:47 Reason for Rejection: Updated Rejection Reason: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

run is no longer invalid.

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% Date of the submission: May 1 2015, 11:52 Verifier and date: Samtastic - May 5 2015, 05:17 Time: n/a - 29:02 Reason for Rejection: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% Date of the submission: Apr 19 2015, 14:52 Verifier and date: Samtastic - Apr 19 2015, 15:43 Time: n/a - 29:44 Reason for Rejection: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% Date of the submission: Apr 19 2015, 09:53 Verifier and date: Samtastic - Apr 19 2015, 10:56 Time: n/a - 30:22 Reason for Rejection: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

#100% NMG

Runner: alexmandi Category: 100% NMG Date of the submission: Aug 4 2019 Verifier and date: Samtastic - Aug 4 2019, 12:13 Time: 1:40:34 - 1:33:50 Reason for Rejection: The run does not have audio present. Some moderate frame drops are acceptable when submitting a run. However, any run with significant video footage missing OR substantial amounts of missing audio will be subject to removal based on the discretion of the moderators. Invalid. Run Link

Runner: Shade667 Category: 100% NMG Date of the submission: Apr 4 2015, 06:49 Verifier and date: Shade667 - Apr 5 2015, 02:06 Time: 1:55:14 - 1:38:00 Reason for Rejection: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

#Any% NMG (Easy)

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% NMG (Easy) Date of the submission: Apr 20 2015, 10:43 Verifier and date: Samtastic - Apr 20 2015, 10:44 Time: 1:10:34 - 1:03:00 Reason for Rejection: The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

Runs reviewed by @LegnaX

#Any% NMG

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% NMG Date of the submission: 29 April 2018 14:00 Verifier and date: Samtastic - 29 April 2018 21:25 Time: 57:15 - 53:09 Reason for Rejection: Due to new rules being in place. "Players can not use checkpoint restarts to skip non-FMV cutscenes." The run is no longer valid. Run Link

Runner: Samtastic Category: Any% NMG Date of the submission: 15 Apr 2018 14:00 Verifier and date: Samtastic - 15 Apr 2018, 21:43:49 Time: 57:15 - 53:09 Reason for Rejection: The IGT of the run has been skipped so the run's IGT cannot be verified. Besides, the runner didn't show the IGT of any of the chapters (except the last one). Run Link

Runner: femi22 Category: Any% NMG Date of the submission: 12 Jul 2016 14:00 Verifier and date: Shade667 - 13 Jul 2016, 06:55:24 Time: 1:09:46 - 1:05:08 Reason for Rejection: The IGT of the levels has never been shown. It was only shown the IGT on the leaderboard. Run Link

#100% Runner: qwerku Category: 100% Date of the submission: 11 Jan 2016 14:00 Verifier and date: Samtastic - 29 Jun 2016, 13:21:14 Time: 1:07:45 - 55:15 Reason for Rejection: Updated Rejection Reason The run did not show the IGT through the chapter select menu. Therefore the IGT can not be calculated correctly. Run is invalid. Run Link

Run is no longer invalid.

#Good Ending Runner: Shade667 Category: Good Ending Date of the submission: 6 Apr 2015 Verifier and date: Shade667 - 7 Apr 2015, 04:01:28 Time: 1:28:15 - 1:14:00 Reason for Rejection (Message placed by MarkTheW0lf): This run has so many issues in it. It baffles me that it was verified. This is a prime example of why we don't allow moderators to verify their own runs. Minutes of the video are missing from this run in different parts of the game. Paramonia Temple, Scrabania, Zulag 1, Zulag 2, and Zulag 3 are completely void in the entire video. This run should have never been verified. Rejected Run Link

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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