Arcade Routing
Updated ETossed
- Air Hockey Matt
- Pachinko
- Basketball 4a. Grab matt toy 4b. Grab pachinko toy 4c. Grab bball toy
- Fish toss
- Whack an eel
- Grab claw toy
- Snake pull 9a. Grab fish toss toy 9b. Grab whack an eel toy 9c. Grab snake pull toy (This route utilizes cutscene skips)
- Air Hockey Matt
- Pachinko
- Basketball 4a. Grab matt toy 4b. Grab pachinko toy 4c. Grab bball toy
- Snake Pull
- Fish toss
- Whack an eel
- Grab claw toy
- Grab rest of the toys
Recent runs
Level: Silent But Dadly
Level: Shark Naked
Level: Hot Concessions
Level: Silent But Dadly