How to do Double Serve Glitch (DSG)
How to do Double Serve Glitch (DSG)
Updated 1 year ago by MajesticA

Double Serve Glitch (DSG) is a very weird glitch I discovered that revolutionized the any% (and ruined the non any% runs) run on any map. In this guide I will explain how to perform it and the closest I've come to figuring out how it works.

HOW TO DO THE GLITCH: This is really the only part of the guide you need to read if you want to do double serve glitch. On hotdogs you block the second customer from getting to his seat by standing in front of it, then take the first customers order, then take the second customers order, then serve the second customer and finally serve the first customer. The table will count as serving 3 customers if you did it right. On burgers you need to stand at the kitchen-facing edge of the table the customers go to sit down in first, block the last 2 customers from sitting down. (You can also let one of the 2 through it works as long as you block even one of them.) Then take the order of the first customers, then the order of the second customers. The table will count as serving 6 customers if you blacked 2 people and will count as serving 7 if you blocked 1 person.

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