ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@hot_temmie You can ask in the discord server: We have a pretty good community and probably someone will help you with this :)

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@hot_temmie As long as it's visible mods shouldn't have a problem with it. The moderators of this game are one of the most tolerant ones regarding to verify runs

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@ThatSpeedrunGuy In the discord server we have a channel specifically to solve this kind of problems, you can ask there if you want. Btw DerBasse's problem was already solved here too

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@BTVSnipeZ Actually with that strat sub 10 would be possible. Great advice!

BTVSnipeZ vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@DemataPyro It actually isn't against the current rules, he doesn't mean during the run, he means before the run. Afaik There's nothing that prohibits gaining trophies with other brawler before the run even starts. Very good advice, I hadn't come up with it @BTVSnipeZ :)

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I'd like to be mod, but I repeat, If you (@DemataPyro) only want to add 1 mod you should add vakala, he's way better in the game and active than me

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Talking about moderation, could you make me mod of the server discord before you go so I can start setting channels and stuff there?

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@DemataPyro and also what you said about your friend, I actually don't think that he played against bots because there's no "Exit" button at the bottom of the screen, and since it's a transparent button it's really hard to remove with a video editor

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Yeah, I also tried to contact @Dominator and @StarMaster__ by direct message twice, they never answered though

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

My times may be off for up to 0.2s but I don't think that more than that. And I understand and agree in the part of clarifying the rules, since I've had some troubles with the times of my runs. I mmainly wonder about Kill% and why do all runs have 2 more seconds than they should

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hi, this thread will be mainly directed to @Starmaster__ and @Dominator.

This community needs more mods, right now the only real mod we have is @DemataPyro, and he is a human being with his own life and stuff, and I understand that he has to take some vacations sometimes, however we can't neglect the leaderboard. However this isn't his fault, this problem is a consequence of having only 1 mod. so I'll write some requests.

Turn @DemataPyro into supermod Include another Mod. I honestly think that the best player for this is @Vakala, however I think that @Lihwer would be a good mod to, but I repeat, I don't see a better option than @Vakala, I think he could even be Super Mod too. Include at least one more verifier, now I would propose @Lihwer, @Dwienwan or maybe even @HyperLexus. If you finally don't include @Vakala as a mod, at least make him a verifier

Thanks in advance

Vakala en BTVSnipeZ vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I think that in +10m run don't really need miliseconds. But it's just my opinion, for now I just timed the -10m runs

Natmando's Survival Solo% run: 2:15.05

My run with @m-Work Survival Duo%: 2:37.27

A2i3r_012's Solo Showdown% run: 1:21.15

Vakala's Solo Showdown% run: 2:09.04

Vakala's Duo Showdown% run: 1:16.06

Hawkeyes's Duo Showdown% run: 48.24

Vakala vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

To fix this and prevent losing this videos in the future I reupload it to my channel in Hidden with another video uploaded to Photos by Natmando

Natmando's run: (

Carthegamer's run: (

If you discover any other video before it disappears tell me and I'll upload it too and edit this post. Thanks in advance! :)

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Don't worry man, you're literally the only mod that prevents this community from dying and, in my opinion, you should be the only one. Thank you for verifying our runs and being always so active!

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I'm not at home right now, idk when I'm coming back, if no one dows it for, let's say, tomorrow i think I'll alrady be at home to do it

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

#What's this race about?

This race will be abot the category Trevor%, that conists in the first hour of the game until the end of the first heist.

#When will be this race?

We've decided that the best moment to do the race is the Friday 26th at 5pm (UTC).

#How can I join the race?

First of all you have to register at SRL, here's a guide of @TKM:, and also you have to be at the discord server preferably 30m before the race starts:

#What are the rules of the race?

  • Mission fail during prologue before the race starts, then hit restart when race officially starts (If you want to use the autosplitter to start your timer, make sure to mission fail by missing the guard)

  • Everyone starts at the same time, there is no resetting even if you mission fail in prologue, thats what racing is about.

  • We will use for starting the race and gathering the times. Please refer to this guide and set up your things PRIOR to the race so that we don't have to waste any time.

  • You can participate without streaming your run but if you end up in the top 5 you will have to provide proof of your time through a video, else your time won't be saved on this sheet.

  • Discord voice is OPTIONAL. I'll set up a channel where no one else other than people racing can join if you want to talk to each other during the race. Reloe will however coordinate the start of the race through the text channel & using speedrunslive together with everyone's livesplit.

#I can't join to this race, will there be another one?

Yes, we're planning to do some kind of season with one race each month. If you want to make sure that you'll participate in the next race, join to the discord server (, there we'll set up a date and hour so that everyone can participate.

PlayerName732 en FlippedGamer vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hi, I think that all the runs should have miliseconds included and I'll explain why. The page when you submit a run without te miliseconds, it detects it as a flat seconds run, for example, If I had a 55.768 run and I only submit 55, the page will think that it's actually a 55.000, and if someone submits a 55.542 later and includes the miliseconds, i'll be above him. In runs like Integeek's one ( - ), he submits a flat 53 and the run is actually 53.13, that in this case it doesn't change the leaderboards, but if we leave it like that, It eventually will affect the leaderboards. If I had submitted a 49s tutorial it'd be an unbeatable record. With this I mean that we are punishing the accuracy. I know that it can be tedious to manually time all the runs that don't include miliseconds, but I can help with that. I think that this is the fairest option

Vakala vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I was thinking exactly the same, I agree with Vakala and I'm down to help too if you need me

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