ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I think that that's something that would go to category extensions instead of the main game

Octoling vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hey, I created this thread so when someone finds an error doesn't have to create a new post each time. Simply leave your comment below and we'll try to solve the issue

Shiven, Frost20, en Octoling vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

What category are you interested in running?

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I'll wait to see what demata says about making 50/100 trophies categories into ILs before including it. Thank you for notifying us anyway :)

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

What brawlers are missing?

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Have you tried caping your FPS? This issue is usually caused due to too high FPS instead of too low, pretty weird ik.

Kualdir vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hey, I want to propose changing the rules for the category Tutorial%. Being more specific, when to start, since we're supposed to start the timer when we can see the stage, but since the stage Fades in instead of appearing, it's hard to tell when the timer is supposed to start. So I propose to start the timer a bit later, as soon as the BRAWL sign appears or as soon as your character can move. This would make retiming runs from now on much easier. Please leave your feedback below. Thanks for reading

BTVSnipeZ, Vakala, en Octoling vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Fixed đź‘Ť

Octoling vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hey, here I'll try to summarize all the changes that we've been discussing the last month in the discord so people can tell their opinion about them. I'll list them in order of importance, the first being the most important proposal.

1- Moving 50 and 100 Trophies categories into ILs With this change we could split them in Any% and Solo%, and also we don't overpopulate the main leaderboards with lots of levels.

2- Create categories about every game mode, Heist, Gem grabber, etc.

3- Add 500 Trophies categories. I'm not sure about adding this one, but as I'm posting everything proposed I'll leave it here

Vakala en Octoling vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

You're still to new to the community to be mod imo. Maybe in a month or two we could consider making you a mod

Octoling vinden dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

I edited the run with my video. @Carthegamer 's run expires tomorrow

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

This was what Vakala posted in the discord, credits to him:

Someone see the "new" wr Kill% made by Inugami0 ? I m really suspicious 🤔 One thing is sure, he had more than 6000 tr when he made his run as we can see at the begening of an other video: Except this 2 videos, his youtube channel only have bs video record directly from his phone with SUPER Recoder On this 2nd vid we can clearly see he remove some frames This is 4 followed frames And on his video proof i think he also cut frame but clever I suspect 1/2 be cause jesse move really fast I made a test with jesse on the same map at the same start Use , to see frame before and . to see frame after Be carefull to compare with the same fps, mine have 60 by default I will try to make a video to compare his proof and my video tomorrow

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Btw, Vakala mentioned in the discord that this run might be cheated:

What we know for sure is that he doesn't show his trophies at any point of the video so we can't be sure what category he is running

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Oh, my bad, I already rejected them :(

I'll re-verify them. I'm so sorry, i'll promise it won't happen again

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Welcome back boi! We missed you around here

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Yeah, I have some runs of 20 days ago waiting. Demata told us that he would make some changes in the moderation but he hasn't done anything in since more or less 3 weeks. However we have to understand that he is a human being with his own life and stuff, so let's give him some time

BTVSnipeZ, Octoling, en Otterstone_Gamer vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Nono, it's ok, you're supposed to be in 1.27. Honestly I could try to fix your problem through here, but since you'd have to test a bunch of stuff until we figure out what's causing it, I'd recommend you to join the Discord server, there we have a channel called #tech-support specifically dedicated to solve this kind of problems, you should ask there and someone will try to help you right away :)

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Are you in the patch 1.27? Or you are in the last patch (1.44 iirc)?

ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

@saar13245 Their crosshair doesn't apper closer, they move their mouse while the animation of Switching is still going to be closer

MiloDaKat en Fiku vindt dit leuk
ArgentinaAkja5 years ago

Hi, I want to announce some changes I did to the leaderboards, I didn't change any rule or delete any run or smth like that, I just changed the layout. Since the categories are called ...Any% it didn't make any sense to have restrictions, in this case the difficulty HAD to be set to normal, I first thought of just changing the rules, but then I decided that the best option and the one that wouldn't destroy the leaderboards would be to leave the name and the rules like they were, but split each category in three subcategories, Easy, Normal and Hard. I manually moved all the runs to its corresponding category and deleted all the ...Hard categories, so no-one will lose his/her position in the leaderboard or smth like that. If you have any feedback please leave your comment below :)

TTInquisitor, BabaBouie, en Seydie vindt dit leuk
Over Akja
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12 days ago
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Seterra (Old Version)
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