I Found the BEST Games for New Speedrunners
2 years ago

there is no best game


Deux, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 6 others like this

Everyone knows that the best speedrun game is Kirbo.

Glamorganshire, Wales

What was the original post; it appears I was late yet again :'(

Edited by the author 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

@RaggedDan A video from the OP, listing what games he thinks are best for new speedrunners.


Anyone still got the link to the video?

  • Never mind I found the vid in his yt channel
Edited by the author 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
United States

I don't know why I deleted it, I guess I just didn't want people to get the wrong impression. My goal with the video was to reach new speedrunners in a click baity way and then talk about a few speedruns that I like. However, I agree with what Matse007 said at the top of the forum, there's no best speedgame period. The last portion of the video is me talking about this fact, mentioning that everything I said before was just for fun, and that truly the best speedgame for you to play is a game that you love. At the end I say "There's no optimal way to get into speedrunning, it's all about having fun". I hoped to get this message across by getting people to click through my title and thumbnail, then showing them the opposite during the video, but it seems like most people didn't get that far in the video to hear my true message. Lesson learned, I'll do better next time, I hope any of you who care can still find some entertainment out of the video.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this

It's a pretty entertaining and well produced video and I did watch till the end. Good job @Garrett

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
Pennsylvania, USA

Well idk what this is but I highly reccomend knockout as you can get easy wrs and its free to play because roblox so yea anyone new wanting some ez wrs https://www.speedrun.com/knockout

Deux likes this

@Slothboy78YT If you're gonna go promote this game on every thread ever made, go actually do a run of it. Also please stop spamming about it on every post in the forums, especially those that have nothing to do with it.

I know you seem to be hyped about being added as a mod of it or whatever, but deadass advertising a game board you have literally 0 runs on is pretty disingenuous imo, and it's very debatable site-wide whether or not you SHOULD be a game mod of a game you have no runs on.

TLDR: your game recommendation here is invalid

Deux, Ivory and 4 others like this
Pennsylvania, USA

^ This is incorrect I have a run on knockout. Plus im just trying to help out.


You did a run after I called you out lmao. Notice how my post is from "1 week ago" but your run is from 5 days ago?

United Kingdom

The best is subjective, IMO