AutoSplitter For LiveSplit is not working anymore
3 years ago
California, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I just recently took a small break from running portal, and when I came back to continue, the live split auto splitter for Portal Inbounds NoSLA wasn't working, I'm not sure what's causing this but it has worked in the past and just recently stopped working, so does anyone have any idea on whats going on?

California, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

And yes I do have it enabled

He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Well it could be that a recent livesplit update broke it, wouldn't be the first time, but you might not be comparing against gametime or you also could have a different issue. If you join the portal speedrunning discord you'll get answers way quicker.

Portland, OR, USA

In order to get my autosplit working I have to open up the game and then manually deactivate and reactivate it, but then it works perfectly

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Starting today, runs that require video proof (top 25) and runs beyond that where video is the only form of proof, now require audio, as recording audio for only the game is now a native OBS feature.

2 months ago