new misc categories?
3 years ago
Czech Republic

Not saying we have to make any more, but if you have any fun ideas (meme categories or not) you can reply to this post :)

JuiceMaster likes this

Sword%, be the first to get any sword in the game

Sceemed likes this

100Damage%, first to deal 100 damage to any object. Death%, first to die. Kill%, first to kill any hostile creature. Everything%, get every non powerup item. 69%, get 69 of any item without dropping any items. InvFull%, First to fill your inventory with out spreading items to fill it. Power%, get 5 of any power up. Dani%, beat Big Chunk while only being able to pick up Dani's Milk. NoPower% beat Big Chunk while not picking up any powerups first.

Just a couple of ideas that I came up with.

Sceemed, JuiceMaster and 3 others like this
United States

Full Set of Chunkium Armour

BrutishLamb, JuiceMaster and 3 others like this
Utrecht, Netherlands

House%, make a house with 4 foundations, 1 door thing, 7 walls, a roof and a workbench.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Gronky, Arnwaz and 2 others like this

Kill 1 of every type of enemy


collect wood idk lol


Fastest death time plz

Saudi Arabia

Furnace% get furnace, and muck to everyone here wooden tools% get all of the wooden tools All stations% craft all of the stations in the game(workbench anvil cauldron furnace)

New York, USA

I have a idea for a new Muck speedrun category


speedrun to get and place a workbench


  1. You need to show menu screen when creating a world

  2. Workbench needs to placed not obtained

  3. Time starts when you spawn and ends when you place workbench

(singleplayer) can only be completed by yourself

And there can be furnace% and anvil% as well

same rules but change workbench to furnace or anvil

Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Go Home and Die category (based on the BotW category): You have to find a shack and somehow die in it as fast as you can

Kill dave category (based on someone) Kill a dave as fast and as epically as you can.

ProfessorMuddles likes this
United States


(set seed and random)


must show the main menu for approval of set seed or random.

kill and cook a cow then eat it as fast as possible.

Edit: this was a idea by @PaintyP

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Hampshire, England

obtain mithril% (maybe obtain iron% too?) RSG and SSG

just obtain a mithril ingot

also an all chests%

open one of every chest type (basic, common, uncommon, legendary)

LiamLimeLarm likes this
United States

Revive a homie%

BrutishLamb likes this
Washington, USA

Tutorial: finish the tutorial at the start of the game

timer starts when you load in the world

timer stops when you place down the workbench

LetEmKnow, sparzy and 2 others like this

Get every Power Ups

LetEmKnow likes this

Craft all stations RS coz SS would be so bad :p

Colorado, USA

armor% get all armor pieces of any type as fast as possible aka reset hell

tzr02 likes this
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Clear Statues - Activate and defeat every statue in a map. Seed is required to check the validity of the run.

just my little idea widepeepoHappy

Prince Edward Island, Canada

obtain all the guardian gems

Edited by the author 3 years ago
_Kirb likes this
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