Clearify that PAL Version isnt allowed
6 years ago

My run got rejected because i used PAL version but it doesnt show that PAL version is banned anywhere in the rules

SuperGamer64 likes this
United States

Yep, my bad, should've had it clarified in the rules before. In case you're wondering, the PAL version is banned right now because the timer is completely different.

SuperGamer64 and grnts like this
Prince Edward Island, Canada

Probably shouldnt be banned, should just have a separate leaderboard like on the RedTom site back in the day

SuperGamer64 likes this

Yeah, but if the timer isnt accurate, whats the point of keeeping track of PAL version WRs? I just didnt saw it in the rules thats why I made the post lol. I got a USA rom and NTSC instead of Europe rom and PAL version.

SuperGamer64 likes this

MTPO (PAL) and PO (PAL) for category extensions???

Edited by the author 6 years ago
SuperGamer64 likes this
United States

Yes please, it would be cool for fights like Great Tiger and Sandman, although in Sandman's Case he has like 30 frame perfect punches in a single fight to get the best time, so yeah. Still would be good for the Europeans.

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