Common/House Rules of this Community
Common/House Rules of this Community
Updated 3 years ago by Tanksalot

These rules apply to you in pretty much every way. This apply's to everyone that participates in any action in this community. If a rule bothers you, message us, we might be able to do something.

01: Don't go beyond PG-13 in swear/cuss words.

We want this community to be content friendly to anyone that goes here. We understand you have rights.

02: No Racism/Discrimination of any kind.

Violation of this rule will instantly result in you being in big trouble.

03: No Bullying/Harassment/Anything that fulls under those categories.

Bullying/anything related to bullying is not cool. Bullying is one of the big reasons for why people commit suicide. Don't do it. It can really damage someone. Don't do it at all. Besides, bullying people is for losers.

04: Respect people regardless of who/what they are.

If you have a thing for this type of person, keep it to yourself, don't be the downfall of that person.

05: No Political Talk

Nobody wants to hear about how this political person is this. Nobody wants to hear about it.

06: Be Nice

Pretty explanatory.

07: Be a snitch(about serious stuff).

Tell someone if someone is going to do something really bad. Don't tell on someone because they did something that is just to be a tattle tail.

08: Don't give peoples private information away.

This includes photos of them, passwords, area they live in, or any personal info.

09: Follow the rules.


10: Don't smartalic any of the rules.

Don't do it!

11: Don't advertise anything.

Ads are very annoying. This is not a commercial hub, this is a speedrunning site.

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