Level Covid 19 Strategy
Level Covid 19 Strategy
Updated 3 years ago by Tanksalot


(00:00): Start of video

(00:03): Do a wheelie boost

(00:04): Do a backflip. Don't hit the ceiling.

Optional R.N.G. Time Save: If you have a good angle your bike will press down on the Among Us vent and will project you forward.

Note: The theoretical perfect first checkpoint split is when you get to the first checkpoint in under 3 seconds so it should be a high 2 seconds. It is really hard. I only got it once. Get there at a high 3 seconds or above and you are not on pace.

(00:05): Land on back tire to somewhat boost you forward. Also for positive/forward speed recovery.

Note: To get the theoretical perfect first checkpoint, you have to do the wheelie boost charge, get the good R.N.G. to get the frontflip to project you forward a little faster and have the boost still active when you land on the back tire to project you forward really fast.

(00:08): Half way on the weird wood Minecraft bowl, stop and do a backflip.

(00:09): Land on back tire to recover positive speed.

Optional(00:11): Get a flick flip/ flip flick to project you forward. Not easy.

Note: The theoretical perfect second checkpoint is about a high 8 seconds. Only got it once. You need a perfect first checkpoint and get all the non-required time saves to get the theoretical perfect. If you get there after 10 seconds, you are not on pace.

(00:15): Skip the upper loop by simply tilting your bike clockwise when airborne. The other variation which save more time involves you doing it early so you get no air at all which is not easy.

Note: The theoretical perfect third checkpoint is 12 seconds. Again, everything needs to be flawless. Get there at 14 seconds and you are not on pace.

(00:21): Do a front flip to save time and get less air.

Optional(00:21): Get a flip flick.

(00:33): Do a backflip instead of a fake flip. You want the wind from the other Among Us vend to push as much of the bikes hit box as possible.

(00:36): Point your head towards the end to get a photo finish.

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