LevelFirst place
Abandoned Mine
Aquatic Ruins
Authentic MM1 Oil Man
Authentic MM1 Time Man
Automata Fortress
Better Together
Blast From the Past
Blast Mans Hot Cave
By Sword and Shield
Chamber of Trials
Climate Man
Computer Lab
Crash Bomb Palace
Creepy Castle
Desert Base
Developer Challenges
Double Trouble
Dr Crossfits Navigation Station
Escape from the Space Station Puzzle
Flappy Phoenix
Forgotten Fortress
Good Key Bad Key
Green Heaven
Icy Parkour
Kerosene Fane
Magnetic Interference
Mecha Cavern Canyon
MM1 Mashup
Napalm Factory
Obligatory Boss Rush Level
Pit of 100 Trials
Ride it Right
Rush Hour
Scorchthaw Summit
SkullSteam Factory
SkullSteam Ruins - Zirate Intervention
Standup Comedy
Storm Fortress
The Tower of Wily
Trial of Force
Trio Towers Ascent
Wall Kicks Will Work
Weapons Playground 1-8
Whirlpool Ocean
Wilys Dark Castle
Wilys Museum
Wily 1 Remix (Mecha Dragon)
Wily Airlines - Disaster Transport
Wily Public Works
Wind City
Game stats