100% JP Route
100% JP Route
Updated 6 years ago by fullgrowngaming

Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/Cx1LfiKn

This is the current route for Majora's Mask 100% on Japanese 1.1 Wii VC. 100% means get everything that doesn't get removed when you play song of time, as well as complete all the trials on the moon to get Fierce Deity's mask.

Route Changelog - http://pastebin.com/0E3db74y

Optimal Equips List - https://pastebin.com/ggWxDsMw Optimal Equips Sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17IrU-sLt9wEjFKLv2vpolhSz4iNqf1_7f6SpYILu5Rk/edit?usp=sharing

1 = Bottle slot 1 (Beavers) 2 = Bottle slot 2 (Goron race) T = Bottle on tear/deed slot N = Bottle on nut slot

|Equips or Notes
-Index Warp Map Point
*Song Storage
[Stray Fairies]
{An item over another item ie. equip swap}
(Chus used on current trick/Chus used overall)

Cycle 1:

1r from Keaton bush 1/ 0 Happy Mask Salesman cutscene skip Talk to Grandma to day 3 Scarecrow to night 3 1r from pot 2/ 0 Deposit 2r 0/ 2 Stray fairy 99r from Inn chest or Termina Field 99/ 2 Magic Deposit 99r 0/ 101 Gainer to Clock Tower (No HP) Ocarina |Ocarina Song of Time Save and reset

Cycle 2:

Song of Healing and deku mask ECT 99r chest 99/ 101 Deposit 99r for adult's wallet 0/ 200 Withdraw 199r 199/ 1 Bomb bag and 20 chus 69 |Ocarina Bombs Chus Hidden owl Store ISoT with bomb Recoil flip past WCT guard Swamp gossips grotto AE (To left palace) Hovers and jump to Sonata chamber |Ocarina Bombs Deku *ISoT Storage Sonata of Awakening with monkey text skip Song of Soaring

-Deku Palace

Soar to Mountain Village Superslides to Goron Village Seamwalk to get into Goron Shrine

>Seamwalk - https://twitter.com/Venick409/status/872856186781130758

Talk to goron baby Lens of truth and bombs Invert around here (To time room key, 2:20-4:10)


Soar to Woodfall Stick and nut Raise and enter Woodfall Temple Kazooie flip to branch Megaflip to torch, stick jumpslash, fairy [1], long jump (Don't slash edge) |Ocarina Bombs Stick Switch, long jump back (2h) Dinolfos with PCS Chu recoil to snappers Snappers (0.5h) Dungeon map, deathwarp, exit

|Ocarina        Lens            Stick
-Deku Palace

Soar to Mountain Village Seamwalk to get up to Goron Graveyard (Snowball ISG)

>Seamwalk - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0e1lG6OmPQ

Goron mask |Goron Deku Stick Deku to skip Goron scream cutscene Roll to Road to Goron Village |Goron Bow Stick Action swap from sign by goron racetrack Double action swap elder (Untargeted for first arrow, target, slash for second) Lullaby Intro Enter Goron Shrine Action swap to light chandelier |Goron Bow Ocarina Goron Kullaby Break pot for sirloin

>Sirloin method - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebyGXTNpNJU

Don Gero's mask


Soar to Clock Town Start bomber game as human with bow Both NCT bombers Kafei's mask, cucco bomber, enter Inn |Goron Kafei Ocarina Room key and set midnight meeting SoDT to night 1 (Outside) Bomber on Inn roof Honey and Darling 1 110 Stray fairy Buy 20 chus 30 Postman HP 20 (Presuming 6th try) Sword School HP 10 WCT bomber (Exit as human) Bomber's notebook Great Fairy's mask cutscene skip (Equip in buffer) |Deku Bombs Ocarina

>Cutscene skip with superslide - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oI9LZ0GE_0

Deku playground 1 (Jumpslash strat) 60

Soar to Great Bay |Goron Bombs Ocarina Recoil to Mikau Zora mask |Goron Bombs Zora Roll and swim to Pirates' Fortress PF hovers with bombs |Goron Bow Zora Enter hookshot room, shoot beehive with bow |Goron Deku Zora Hookshot Goron roll out and get caught, enter sewers Setup deku clip (Equip in buffer) |Ocarina Deku Zora Void out and deku clip for HP

Soar to Great Bay Swim to shore (Faster than voiding) Zora WESS to oceanside spiderhouse |Stick Hookshot Bombs Standard route, with mask skip, deathwarp Giant's wallet |Goron Hookshot Zora Enter Zora Cape Hookshot up to Waterfall Rapids Beaver races for bottle and HP (Day 1 route) 1.Bottle |Goron Ocarina Zora Ocarina dive to like-like HP, surface 80

|Goron          Ocarina         Bombs
-Clock Town

Soar to Milk Road Swamp gossips grotto Tree rupees 120 Goron boost into observatory Moon's tear Goron boost out Business scrub HP 20 Ikana gossips grotto Catch fish by Anju 1.Fish Midnight meeting |Goron Ocarina Letter

|Safe route:

Deposit letter in ECT Toilet Hand HP with letter to Kafei recovery (Equip over moon's tear)

>Letter recovery - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGThbrVbq0M

|If you fail safe route, exchange tear for deed in SCT
|Deed over ocarina, fish over deed
|Give title deed to toilet hand
|Drop fish at Kamaro (Kamaro cutscene skip)

|Risky route (If you fail, you can't mail letter, so you lose your run):

Toilet Hand HP with letter to Kafei recovery (Equip over moon's tear) Deposit letter in NCT

|Routes merge here

Ocean gossips grotto Kamaro's mask Dodongo grotto HP (and 100r) 120

|Goron          Ocarina         GFM
-Romani Ranch

Soar to Snowhead Play goron lullaby Enter Snowhead Temple |Bombs Hookshot GFM Block clip Throw bomb to bottom fairy Hookshot across Hookshot fairy under ledge [2] Go upstairs for dungeon map and fairy [3] Weirdshot to fairy chest [4] (Equip in buffer) |Goron Hookshot GFM Wizrobe for fire arrows |FA Hookshot GFM Drop down, melt ice, freezard fairy [5] Yellow room small key Push block and hookshot chest for fairy [6] Melt ice, press switch, compass |Bombs Hookshot GFM Hookshot torch/chest for fairy [7] Bomb wall and box for fairy [8] Upstairs, bomb snowball, hookshot chest for small key Hookshot fairy [9], enter next room Hookshot fairy in ceiling, hookshot across [10] Main room, long jump left, hookshot to floor 3 |Goron FA GFM FA fairy in wall [11], melt ice Upstairs, dinolfos fairies [13] Main room, sidehop to alcove fairy [14] |Goron FA Deku/Zora Drop down, hit switch, fairy [15], void |Goron FA Bombs (Get bombs before voiding if low) Bomb/FA snowball, JS into snowball chamber BK skip with bomb Melt Goht |Goron Bow Ocarina Goht's remains + HC Oath to Order

20r under smithy stairs by rolling as goron 140 Deposit kokiri sword 40 SoDT to day 2 Razor sword |Goron Bow Zora Underwater HP as zora Goron Village for keg Goron race for gold dust 2.Gold Dust

|Goron          Ocarina         1.Fish
-Goron Village

Soar to Stone Tower Stone Tower owl statue Fish timestop across Stone Tower (Use fairy in deed slot if you failed item recovery earlier)

Enter Stone Tower Temple Roll to left room |Hookshot Bombs Chus Map room early with weirdshot, chest fairy [1] Petrie flip, dungeon map, armos small key |Zora Bombs FA Void out as zora, eye switch in main room, fairy [2] |Hookshot Bombs FA Block clip, shoot fire arrow at ice switch Enter mirror room, weirdshot to crate

|Should have 15 or more bombs here, if not, farm bombs from the nejirons

Long jump to chest fairy [3], 30r 70 Weirdshot to fire chest fairy [4] Garomaster for light arrows, next room (Hookshot + FA strat) Bomb crystal switch, fairy in chest [5] Hookshot back up, eyegore fairy [6] Extended bow crystal switch, weirdshot beamos Fairy [7], hookshot clip beamos into water |LA Bombs Zora Swim to big water room, shoot compass sun block Weirdshot or hover sun switch, cs dive Bottom switch, chest fairy [8], swim up Mirror room fairies w/ LA [10] |LA Bombs Goron Goron roll out of STT, getting compass and magic on the way

>End of STT route - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZlftxqvgOk

Invert tower with weirdshot, enter ISTT Magic, long jump, switch, shoot sun switch behind you near the ceiling |LA Ocarina Deku Deku flowers, Wizrobe fairy [11], soar to entrance |Hookshot Bombs Chus ISG, hookshot upside-down chest, hover onto chest |Hookshot Bombs GFM Hover on top of chest, open for fairy [12] Magic, bottom fairy [13], updraft room Block clip/shoot with LA, fairy with bomb recoil [14] Updraft to top, recoil flip to chest, bomb for fire chest fairy [15] Recoil to eyegore for giant's mask, Boss door room, hookshot chest, BK skip |Giant Bombs FA Twinmold's remains (arrows or giant's mask) + HC

Great Fairy's sword cutscene skip (Equip in buffer) |Goron Bombs FA Ikana Tingle maps 10 Ikana Canyon owl statue ISG from bomb by business scrub, megaflip |Goron Chus FA Hover to Ikana scrub HP Superswim with chu/jumpslash to swamp

Press A, then target soon after (Don't touch control stick until fully targeted) (Target too early starts cutscene, too late and she won't be in woods) Talk to Koume in woods (Right, left, straight, left, left, right) Talk to Kotake for red potion (In woods) 3.Potion Dupe potion over moon's tear |Goron Potion {Tear} FA Give Koume duped potion T.Bottle Southern swamp owl statue Shoot big octo with FA Pictograph box (Boat ride skip) Roof HP with goron pound |Goron Zora FA (Can skip this equip with a human ledge grab; faster) Burn swamp spiderhouse web

Swamp spiderhouse |T.Bottle Hookshot Nut Standard route with nut dupe N.Bottle (Catch bugs in Tear bottle) |Zora Hookshot Deku Mask of truth

Roll across swamp Zora jump from lilypad Deku flowers to Woodfall Woodfall chest HP

Enter Woodfall Temple |Bombs Hookshot GFM Hookshot chest for fairy [2] Hookshot torch up to main room (other fairy [3]) Get fairy in chest in main room [4], pot bombs Hookshot torch on pillar, jumpslash up, enter right room |Bombs FA Chus Hover to Gekko, beat and get Boss Key |GFM Don Gero Deku Talk to frog, jumpslash recoil beehive for fairy [5] Small key from chest, turn deku, back to main room Fairy [6] + bombs + magic in pots on the left Deku baba fairy [7], use small key |GFM Bombs FA Throw bomb to block Shoot beehive, skulltula, web for fairies Jump, light torch, wait for fairies [10] Dragonflies for compass, go upstairs Light torches + kill boes for fairies [11] Bomb recoil down hole Light torch, enter boss door room |GFM Hookshot FA 4 bubble fairies [15] Hookshot to boss door Shoot Odolwa with FA |GFS Bombs 1.Fish Odolwa's remains + HC (GFS JS + quickspins)

Deku princess cutscene skip (Equip in buffer) |Goron Bombs N.Bottle Deku princess in nuts bottle N.Princess |Goron Bombs Deku Woodfall owl statue (Bomb recoil from flowers) Great spin cutscene skip (Equip in buffer) |Goron Bombs Chus Fairy fountain AE (Avoid fairy trigger)

Double magic Snowhead owl statue Path to Snowhead HP with hovers |Goron Ocarina 1.Gold Dust Store SoDT (Don't need to if it's past 5:10pm) Mountain Village owl statue Use stored SoDT to night 2 Deposit razor sword 2.Bottle Roll to Termina Field Clip through ice

Mountain gossips grotto for HP 15 |Goron Deku GFS Deku playground 2 (Goron roll or mask strat) 65

>Deku playground 2 strat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwY43YvcmYM

Clock Town owl statue with GFS Pendant of memories (GFS jumpslash) |Goron Don Gero Pendant Laundry Pool frog Bremen mask Give pendant to Anju Honey and Darling 2 105 |Goron Deku Ocarina Exit as deku, SoDT to Day 3, enter H&D 3 as deku |Goron GFM {Deku} Zora Honey and Darling 3 for HP 95 (Play with GFM on, before final arrow hit, equip) |Goron Zora Deku (Ending the game as zora gives seahorse on B, ie. Weird B) Deku playground 3 for HP 145 |Goron Bombs Deku Keaton mask and priority mail (Index trick) Buy 20 chus 65 |Goron Bombs Hookshot Bio baba grotto (Hookshot because no fins) |Goron Bombs Zora Goron boost into Great Bay

Goron roll and swim to Pinnacle rock |GFS 2.Bottle Zora Same order for first 3 eels Closest bottom eel Final 4 eels from bottom to top Seahorse HP (B button) Zora egg in real bottle 2.Egg Marco clip/swim and void out

Great Bay owl statue |1.Fish T.Bottle Zora Dupe 1.Fish over Tear slot until fish HP (Keep fish) Dupe zora egg 6 times over Tear slot, drop real egg 2.Bottle |Goron Ocarina Zora NWBN cutscene skip

Soar to Great Bay |Goron Hookshot Zora Enter Zora Cape (Zora WESS) Swim to Zora Hall Business scrub HP (Finless strat) |Goron Ocarina Zora Evan HP as goron (>>vAAv>A<<>vv><v) Drops from pots by Zora Cape owl statue Turtle cutscene skip (Equip in buffer) |Hookshot Fish Zora Pirates cutscene skip with fish (Equip in buffer) |Hookshot FA Chus

Enter Great Bay Temple Light torches for first fairy [1], enter door Chu for bottom fairy [2], FA skulltula for fairy [3] (1/ 1 chu) |Hookshot GFM Goron Goron waterwheel trick

>Goron waterwheel trick - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvtsMnAj5es

Enter main area, hookshot barrel |GFS GFM Zora Ledge clip turnkey skip (GFS crouch stab recoil superswim)

>Ledge clip turnkey skip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSU293AqCxw

|Hookshot       GFM             Zora

Turn zora, hit bubble fairy [4], swim into fairy Hit upper bubble as zora, go to pipe, turn human and use GFM Wait for fairy [5] (and other one if you missed it) Pot fairy [6] at bottom of main room Swim back to main room, then get bio baba fairy [7] Next room, hookshot pot fairy [8], compass, small key Swim to Wart's room, Wart for ice arrows (Pot ISG)

>Wart pot ISG - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwlejehMTy4

Fairy in pot [9] and magic by dungeon map, get ISG |Bombs Hookshot Chus Hookshot for dungeon map, hover to seesaw room (chus-only) (5/ 6 chus) Chu to hit fairy in barrel, weirdshot for fairy [10] (1/ 7 chus)

>Chu strat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTT601ucA-E

|GFM            Hookshot        Ice Arrows

Get fairy [11], ice arrow waterfall Hookshot upper fairy [12], hookshot lower fairy [13] |Zora GFS Ice Arrows Gekko fight (Don't get boss key), beat gekko |Zora Don Gero Ice Arrows Talk to frog, swim back to main room, freeze waterfall |Zora Hookshot GFS
Hookshot up to barrel for fairy [14], top green room fairy [15] (Red rupee at the top) 85 Zora ledge clip where barrel is in main room for boss key skip (Finless, equip in buffer) |Zora Bow Bombs

>Boss Key Skip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbCzf1chk8k

|If you find it difficult to be consistent at this BK skip,
|You can simply soar to the entrance after getting the 15th fairy.
|Then do the boss key skip the way it's done in Any% and All Masks.
|This is easier, but ~14s slower, still saving ~12s over the old route.  

Weirdshot Gyorg to skip intro cutscene, shoot Gyorg Stun once, swim up |Princess GFS Bombs JS and get ISG, dive with princess to kill Gyorg's remains + HC

Zora Cape owl statue |Hookshot Zora Chus Drops from pots Swim and grab ledge under tree Hookshot trees and blow up rocks |Hookshot Zora Goron Double defence with a chu (Use goron) (1/ 8 chus) Exit and void out on left as zora Goron roll through Great Bay |Hookshot Zora Ice Arrows Ice arrow a platform near jumping minigame, swim onto it Jumping minigame HP 65 Swim and hookshot up to cliff |Hookshot Bombs Ocarina Long jump and recoil to HP

Soar to Southern Swamp |Goron Deku Don Gero Witch archery HP
Southern swamp frog |Goron Deku N.Princess Deliver deku princess N.Bottle |Goron Deku GFS GFS ISG from sign |Goron Deku Bombs Deku palace HP with 1 bomb hover Magic beans, get caught

>Movement to magic beans - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Lv2Aa5L98

Butler race for mask of scents 110

|Goron          1.Fish          Ocarina

Soar to Ikana Canyon Sakon's hideout clip Cutscene skip with fish |Bombs GFS Chus Recoil, hover and quickslide to end (7/15 chus)

>Staircase hover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPAmX-xCi6g

|Beans          GFS             Chus

Conveyor cutscene skip with beans Stone mask with red potion 3.Bottle

Enter Ikana Graveyard Day 1 grave clip |Goron Stick GFS Stick to enter song of storms room GFS iron knuckle |Goron Hookshot Bombs Flat cutscene skip (equip in buffer) |Goron GFS Bombs Song of Storms Long jump for iron knuckle HP 135 Head to Keeta |Hookshot Bombs Chus Keeta skip for captain's hat Clip into Dampé's grave with a chu (1/16 chus) (If you are close to 99r here, get some rupees in the pots) 100r in Dampé's grave 235 |LA Ocarina 3.Bottle Big poe fight for bottle 4.Bottle Catch big poe 3.Big Poe

|Uninvert somewhere so you won't be early to couple's mask/postman's hat,
|but so that you can have enough time to do MV segment afterwards (MV segment takes 1:15-1:20)
|Uninvert point for good Dampé is between between big poe fight and soar to CT (needs more testing)  
|Uninvert point for bad Dampé is between post office and depositing first 500r (needs more testing)
|(Uninvert points will likely change as people get better, and will be different from person to person)

|Goron          Ocarina         Letter

Soar to Clock Town Give letter to postman Priority mail recovery (Keep mail equipped)

|If you fail, keep going and wait until near the end of cycle 3

Big bomb bag 135 |4.Bottle 3.Big Poe Letter Dupe big poe to 5000r for bank HP (If you have 99r+ entering curiosity, you can skip the first dupe) |Goron Chus Letter Withdraw 200r 200

|If you failed curiosity shop dupes, get chateau bottle early and come back to WCT

Milk bar clip with a chu (Equip in buffer) (1/17 chus) |Goron Kafei Letter Give mail for chateau bottle 5.Chateau Postman's hat Couple's mask

|Goron          Ocarina         Don Gero

Soar to Mountain Village Don Gero's HP (Goron movement to smithy's to conserve in-game time) Gilded sword |Goron Bombs Chus Goron Village HP (3/20 chus)

>Goron Village HP with 3 chus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZgsEEtelaw

Biggest bomb bag 0 Powder keg |Goron Ocarina GFS Song of Time 0

|If you make too many mistakes, you'll have to reinvert to finish MV segment
|You can also SoDT to save 2 in-game minutes

|Rupee route is never a problem in cycle 3, so rupee count isn't included here

Cycle 3:

Withdraw 500r Buy 1 keg, 10 bombs and 40 chus Peahat grotto HP Milk Road owl statue Arrows from grass |Goron Bow Pictobox Milk Road Tingle maps Tingle picture |Goron Keg Chus Break boulder, enter Ranch Epona's Song |Goron Truth Bremen
Dog HP

(If you don't have enough rupees for the rest of the cycle, there's a 50r chest at the back)

Bunny hood

|Goron          Pictobox        Ocarina

Soar to Southern Swamp Stick from grass Tingle picture HP |Goron LA Stone Swamp Tingle maps Bad bat HP with stone mask |Goron LA Ocarina SoDT to night 1

|This SoDT times blast mask at 12:20, so the position may vary depending upon how consistently fast you are.

Swamp shooting gallery quiver and HP (You get kicked out after HP)

Soar to Ikana Canyon Magic from grass Roll to poe house Poe house HP Gibdo house clip for gibdo mask (Equip in buffer) |Chus LA Ocarina Chu recoil to Ikana castle |Chus LA Zora Hover up sun block in Ikana Castle |Chus LA Bombs Hover to HP, drop down to well Shoot sun block |Ocarina FA Stick Mirror shield with FA and stick

Soar to Clock Town Activate blast mask sequence |Ocarina Postman Keaton Postbox HP NCT tree HP Keaton quiz HP Blast mask (If you find it difficult to make it to aliens, you can hold Keaton HP up without cancelling text to pause in-game time)

Soar to Ikana Canyon |Zora Bunny LA Shoot sun switch |Bombs Bunny GFS 4 fights (Nut drop at Garomaster) N.Nuts Secret Shrine HP

|Bombs          Goron           Ocarina

Soar to Milk Road Enter Romani ranch, roll to barn |Bombs Bow Ocarina Kill aliens, position Epona |Bombs Chus Ocarina Store SoDT by cucco shack Aliens for milk bottle 6.Milk Use stored SoDT to day 2 Drop 3 bombs Spawn fairy from gossip stone |4.Bottle Chus Chus {Milk} (If you only have 5 bottles, put chus over light arrows) Catch, fairy, dupe chus 4.Fairy C.Bottle (Store SoDT and use to night 2 during dupe) |4.Fairy Ocarina Chus {Milk} Ocarina to reset gossip stone Cremia cs skip 1 to day 2 Ride Epona to Gorman Racetrack Garo mask SoDT to night 2 for Cremia cs skip 2

Romani's mask |Goron Romani Chus {Milk} Chest minigame HP Town shooting gallery quiver and HP (You get kicked out after HP) Enter Milk Bar with Romani's mask Human part |Zora Deku Chus {Milk} Zora part Deku part |Goron Deku Chus {Milk} Goron part Circus leader's mask |Goron Kamaro Chus {Milk} Rosa sisters HP |Hookshot Ocarina Chus {Milk} SoDT to day 3 at bank Withdraw to 500r SoDT to night 3 Curiosity shop clip All-night mask

|If you failed priority mail recovery, store SoT before entering curiosity shop and accept while buying all-night mask
|Do blast mask index trick to get another priority mail, then give it to Madamé Aroma
|Keep chus equipped

Soar to Ikana Canyon |Goron Zora Chus {Milk} Arrows from grass (If you failed mail dupe for chateau) Ikana Castle clip with chu recoil, goron roll in

>Ikana Castle clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4JwQjHIQlY

|FA             GFS             Chus {Milk}

FA curtains for light King Igos fight with GFS |FA Ocarina Chus {Milk} Elegy of Emptiness Song of Time

Cycle 4:

|Goron          Zora            Chus {Milk}

Zora gainer to Inn All-night mask HPs (Bottom option first, so it's 10am day 2 after) |Goron All-Night Chus {Milk} Couple's mask HP |Goron Couple's Chus {Milk} Get ISG from Clock Tower HP Chu hover into clock tower Play oath to order


Twinmold trial with bunny hood DON'T play song of storms for first gossip stone ISG off of chu chest, chu hover up to skip ladder Play song of storms for second gossip stone

Goht trial with blast mask long jump as zora

Odolwa trial normally up to HP, HP ISG/gossip stone damage ISG, chu hover to kid

Gyorg trial swimming against current from HP to kid

>Moon Trial equips - https://pastebin.com/4xu51jnL

If you talk to a kid with a mask on, pick the bottom option

Fierce deity's mask Majora with FD mask