5 years ago
Washington, USA

Please read this fully before asking questions in the forum!

Q: Is the digital or cartridge version faster? A: Digital is much faster (and beyond that, the system reads the game slightly faster when it’s saved directly in the Switch’s internal memory compared to a microSD card). It saves about 3 seconds on the first loading screen and about 1 second on every other loading screen compared to cartridge.

Q: Why don’t we use IGT (in-game time) instead of RTA (real time) to discount loading discrepancies between versions? A: This is a great question, and ideally we would use IGT. However, since Nintendo decided to remove the in-game timer from MK8 for a reason I cannot fathom and every method of timing it ourselves is simply unrealistic, this is pretty much out of the question. Another proposed solution has been to subtract a set amount of time from cartridge runs to level the playing field (or something similar), but loading times vary too much even within versions for this to be viable. There has also been talk off and on about making a video-based auto-splitter, but for the moment RTA is the best we’ve got.

Q: Can I submit sections of a longer run (like the Retro Tracks portion of a 32 Tracks run)? A: Yes! As long as the tracks for the section are done back to back, it is perfectly acceptable to submit the section. Runs contained in longer runs have a longer initial loading time and don’t start out with 5 coins. Also see https://www.speedrun.com/mk8dx/thread/wa4sr

Q: Do I need a video recording of my run for it to be verified? A: Only the top 5 runs of each category and the top 3 cartridge runs need video proof. That being said, video and splits are always welcome sources of information about any run, regardless of the time!

Q: Do I need a capture card to record my run? A: Not at all! Most alternatives such as phone cameras and webcams aren’t as high quality as capture cards, but they are perfectly valid as long as what’s happening on the screen is clear.

Q: What if I make a mistake when submitting my run? A: Whether you submit a run to the wrong category, with the wrong time, or something else, you can edit submitted runs by going to View Profile > Pending Actions, clicking on the time of the run you want to edit, and selecting Edit Run from the three dots.

Q: Why isn’t there a leaderboard for individual tracks or time trials? A: Several other sites already keep track of time trial records, such as this one: https://mkwrs.com/mk8dx/ and this one: https://www.mkleaderboards.com/mk8dx and this one: http://www.mariokart64.com/mk8/ and this YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC_292L5mAJowD4LCCNZRbHg. We would be heightening the redundancy even more my having our own leaderboard.

Q: What’s the best character combo? A: I wrote a guide on this for 150cc: https://www.speedrun.com/mk8dx/guide/cj0ma. For 200cc, the short answer is biddybuggy, rollers, and a character in a weight range anywhere from Mario to Waluigi.

Q: Why aren’t digital and cartridge times separated? A: In one sense, they are. You can filter the leaderboard to show only cartridge or only digital runs. They aren’t separate categories, though, for several reasons: First, simplicity. Adding separate cartridge categories would double the number of categories. Second, version differences do not affect the gameplay whatsoever. Third, the time difference is relatively small compared to what you can achieve through personal improvement. In the most extreme case, the difference in loading time in a 48-track run is approximately 1 minute, but the difference between first and last place in 150cc No Items is over 30 minutes. There’s ALWAYS room to improve your own time if you don’t want to buy the digital version, even for top players. Finally, no one is excluded from obtaining a digital copy. If you truly want to have the fastest time possible, a digital copy is readily obtainable. Yes, it costs money. The mods realize that. BUT, it has been decided that the cost barrier is not a valid excuse to separate the leaderboard. This is not unlike the reasoning behind requiring video proof for the top 5 times; you must provide some way to view your runs, even if it means buying equipment. This topic has been thoroughly discussed and firmly decided on. Please don’t petition to have it changed unless you think you have new evidence or arguments.

If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, try looking in the Resources and Guides sections on this site. If you STILL don’t have the answer you’re looking for, feel free to ask your question in a NEW question thread or in the Discord! (Please try to keep this thread uncluttered if possible!) Many people are happy to answer questions, especially if they’re well-researched and original. Good luck on your runs!

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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