Individual Levels
2 years ago
United States

Starting this forum talking about the individual levels that I added yesterday along with respective categories separate from Season full-game runs. I AM OPEN TO FEEDBACK PLEASE SAY ANYTHING YOU WANT. I WILL BE HAPPY THAT SOMEONE IS AT LEAST TALKING TO ME ABOUT THIS GAME

Edited by the author 2 years ago
United States

Deathmatch: Upon starting the game you are already on Exhibition on Normal difficulty. Select whatever difficulty you want to run and in Exhibition mode select Deathmatch, right now I'm only allowing one player only runs but if you guys feel like having two players or just playing as the second player would make the game drastically different I am open to making that a thing, select whatever truck and level you want to do. Timer starts when the announcer says "Go!"/when you gain control of your truck, and ends when the final truck is destroyed.

United States

Cash Grab(DM/Deathmatch): Okay so this is a category that I made up but I feel like it will be vastly different from just regular Deathmatch. Upon starting the game go into Exhibition with any difficulty and select Cash Grab. Same as deathmatch with the two player thing and again if you want it in I'll consider it. Instead of going around the map collecting 14 cash power ups as quick as possible, this category is for focusing on deathmatch inside of Cash grab. CONSIDERING THERE IS A TIMER ON SCREEN I'LL ALLOW IGT TIMES TO BE SUBMITTED. Timer starts at 3:30 and ends when the final truck is destroyed.

United States

Cash Grab: Just regular Cash Grab, race around the map and get 14 cash power ups as quick as possible. Timer starts when you gain control of your truck and ends when you grab the last cash power up to qualify(14). Same situation with the two player thing and if you guys want a sub-category for this one where you grab all 20 cash power ups then I'll add it.

United States

Points: The points category is all about collecting the most amount of money in the timer of 4 minutes. For this category however we're only gonna be focusing on getting the $5k needed to qualify and end it there. CONSIDERING THERE IS A TIMER ON SCREEN I'LL ALLOW IGT RUNS TO BE SUBMITTED. Timer starts when you gain control of your truck and ends when you get the $5k needed to qualify. You dont need exactly $5000 you can go over and still be perfectly fine.

United States

Points(Highest Score): For this category we are utilizing the 4 minute timer to its limit. In this category we will be trying to destroy as much as possible to get the most amount of money. Cash power ups to spawn back if they're picked up by an AI but destroyed environment objects that the player can destroy too will not respawn. Since this is a score category the timer has been changed to ascended so that the highest score is shown at top. 10 thousands and 1 thousands will go into the seconds slot, and hundreds and tens will go into the MS slot. Everything destructible is $50, aside from cars where you can get off of them before they're fully destroyed and leave you with $10, $20, $30$, $40, $60, $70, $80, or $90. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE GAME THAT WILL GIVE YOU $1 OR ANYTHING IN ONES.

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