My Resignation
6 years ago
Indiana, USA

As you all know by now, I've decided to quit SB. I have not quit Minecraft, because I still play almost daily. SB has just gotten boring and old. SB has been a crazy fun journey and I've been playing for a long time. I remember the days when I played with a different group of SB pros that don't even play anymore. I remember getting the first Sub2 and actually shaking for minutes straight. I remember hearing that Kirby was the best player before I ever got to meet him. I remember getting the first 7CPS on a build. I wish SB never got old or boring, but after building the same things thousands and thousands of times, it has.

I also have school and soon to have a job, plus I have to have time for a social life. SB has taken up over a month of my time, which is an insane amount of time to have been spent on any one game. Time I could have spent doing something more productive. I definitely don't regret my SB days, because I have made countless good memories.

One more thing I'd like to go on about is how SB is dead. It's been dying for a long time and I refused to admit it, but now I do. Sbells quitting, Garchomp quitting, Kirby being on and off... this will only lead to more of the regulars quitting like Arcxire, Loyall, MIruso, me, etc. I hope to always remain one of the best SB players to have ever played and hopefully my legacy stays alive by having at least one World Record for as long as SB stays relevant.

If we ever happen to find another server that we all play on, that'd be amazing, but SB is just not my thing anymore.

I wish you all the best in life

~Love, Josh.


I'm really gonna miss you josh :/ You've been the most relatable and most charming pro I've played with. It was a joy playing with you and I wish I was able to met you before you quit last year (before returning again). Clearly right now, Almost everyone is quitting SB. Loyall told me he officialy quit and Miruso said he was thinking of quitting as well. Arc told me he's at the borderline on quitting and I'm even quitting at the end of the year because I felt SB has become a little dated and old (like you said) at this point. Really the only person who still decided to play and hasn't decided to quit was Fur, but even so, it will become dang boring to him to play usually alone so he might quit as well.

Which to me is quite sad, because even if i'm quitting SB, it's kinda sad how the community will completely die very soon. But at the same time, we lived through great and iconic moments on the game. I never had a wr, but there were still moments that were completely revolutionary for me like Twist 3.4.

  • Bells
British Columbia, Canada

Will miss you both, I'm here if you guys want to play or talk whenever. I'm still an active player on mineplex up to 3 times a week. As josh said, SB has gotten boring and has just died. I first decided to quit 3 weeks ago and have not played since except the last game I played with bells and furious. I would like whoever reads this to try and come on to the last day of which we shall all live our legacy to and from speed builders on the 31st of December which will be the LAST day me and bells will be playing, furious knows about this but I'm not quite sure he will attend. I would appreciate it if as many as you come, just so we can all share our last speed builder moments with each other, arc I'm sorry if you cannot attend due to your EU time.

Honestly I will miss you all so much as I spent most of my time for the past year and a half with you main 3, jr, fur and bells you guys were the ones I played with the most but until I discovered cake wars I have drifted from speed builders, the day I discovered it I knew it was time to quit. If you cannot show up to the 31st I will miss you all a lot.

As josh said I wish the same for myself and others. I wish that all of the pro's legacys live on EXPECIALLY Arc he was like the father and husband of Gwen xDD,

Here's a list of my most memorable wrs

  • My baby eye of sauron 8.1
  • One of my best of all time quest for the end 6flat
  • favourite spring build wr , blossom 7.6

I wish you all the best

  • Loyall/Travis
Indiana, USA

Ill try to make it on December 31st, try to remind me via skype or snapchat (for loy) a day or two b4 so I remember.

Heres my list of memorable wrs:

  • One of my best wrs 7.5 Green and Gold
  • My baby four doors one hut 5.2 <3
  • And my only wr thats never been beaten... knowledge is power -Shout out to clean toilet too i love that build 10.6

Make sure we never lose contact with each other bc you all have become good friends of mine


Loyall likes this

My most memorable PB's (AKA not best, just the biggest or revolutionary)

  • Twist 3.4 (April 2017), sure nowdays it's pretty basic a 3.4 on twist, but around April, it was something HUGE to me, it was the first time I've been 0.2 close to a wr.

  • Green and Bold 13.2 (March 2017), same case as twist, just not as memorable and not as big.

  • Obby Stairs 2.1 (May 2017), first sub2.5 was on stairs, and 2.1 just felt really good to me around that time.

  • Sandy Symmetry 6.9 (July 2017), no comment

  • Giant's Anvil 7.7 (July 2017), a jump from 9.1 to 7.7 was sorta insane xD

  • 1 lonely iron 7.2 (August 2017), no comment

  • Bedroom 5.4 (August 2017), no comment

  • Tranquil Desert 5.9 (September 2017), the most satysfying sub6

  • Normal Rainbow 3.0 (October 2017)

  • Kitchen Sink 3.8 (October 2017), most satysfying sub4

(Warning: some of these aren't obviously my current pbs anymore)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Indiana, USA

Lol 13.2 green and gold ?

Florida, USA

Btw, there will be a 100% of me making it to SB in December 31th, so I will see u guys there too :)

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