Could someone post a list of all the secret advancements so people can know how to do them for 100%? I'm interested in running 100% but can't bc I highly doubt I've done all the secrets at this point.
This is in datapacks/diversity3/data/d3/advancements/folder_c, and you can read the descriptions for how to complete the advancements by looking at the json file. They aren't really sufficient to know precisely how to complete them, so eventually we will try to get a more detailed guide.
Maybe in this thread we can keep track of secrets we figure out how to do as we find them? For Man Overboard, you push a villager in that one Parkour stage on the ship in to the water. That's the only one I've found so far that isn't 100% straightforward.
Also, is there a way to use the code or command blocks to figure each one out?
So a note about the Secret Achievements, it seems that there are 2 per area, just like the Challenges, and they seem to line up in physical location with the Challenges page. You'll notice that Boss Battle challenges are the only one in that line with 4 spaces blank to the right, but on the Secret tab you can see those are filled by misc secret achievements. I haven't found the full list mentioned by Qwertyuiop, so I am adding my findings here: ~Parkour: ??? Man Overboard- in Cannonball Run, push a villager into the water ~Escape: Shhh...- in the area above A Diverse Foyer, you'll find an area with red glass, in this room there's a ladder that leads to a catwalk above this room. On this catwalk is a chest with a name tag labeled "Shhh..." get this and head over to Trial #3 Don't Blow It, right click a creeper with it for a special surprise. You'll get the achievement afterwards ;) ??? ~Elytra: ??? ??? ~Boss Battle: ??? ??? ~Misc: Finders Keepers- find a shecret weapon, they're in green shulker boxes in the hub area. You can find all of the locations with the shecret map in the cave with the button before starting the game. they're hidden in the caves around the lava lake. Secret Branch- discover the secret branch. You need to find all 12 shecret weapons and put them in the chest you put wool in. ??? Cheater-go in creative mode. ~Dropper: POW!-at the bottom of The Chase (the batman one) in the shulker box with a bunch of heads, put on Adam West's head Stop!- at the bottom of The NEStalgic, you'll notice there is a giant version of Donkey Kong, follow the redstone blocks up towards Donkey Kong himself, and jump across opposite of him on the balloon. This will give you the achievement. ~Survival ??? Sneaky- in the nether, when you talk to qmagnet in his basement, there's a painting at the back wall. Walk into it, you'll find his secret stash. ~Puzzle BaaaaDOS- in the matching game there are sheep called Orange Portal and Blue Portal, when you have them both up to match, walk into one of them, you'll shoot out the other and get the achievement No Fear- in the secret orange room (where you get the orange puzzle key) walk into the painting, you'll see a sign warning against trusting things, if you keep walking, you'll fall into the void and get the achievement. ~Adventure Hardcore Gamer- in the rec room, you'll see a black tv, press one of the buttons in front of it and classic DK will pop on the screen A Taste of Space- while outside the station, take off your helmet. ~Arena Gambler-when you spawn in, head left and climb up the ladder, head straight and you'll see a staircase to your left. Go down, then follow the grass all the way to the end where you'll find a villager named Pearson, right click you'll see he will sell things unlike the other villagers in the area. Remember where he is, when you get enough gold, go buy from him. You'll get the achievement when you do. Tomb Raider-at the entrance of the arena you have a variety of statues with a lion one in the middle, the eyes of the two stone brick guys are buttons, push all 4 to open a secret passage under the lion. Go down and pick up the Branch of Life, it will give you the achievement. ~Trivia Dead End- In General question 2, you're in a cave. You can make a jump to get to the area up and to the left. Go all the way to the end against the wall to get the achievement Thrill Rider- In Technical question 4, there's a roller coaster you can ride, do the full loop twice to get the award.
That's all I have for now, I'll add as I find more.