New category idea: Obtain Advancement
2 years ago
United States

For this category, the runner has to obtain an advancement as soon as possible. You could go for any advancement, or a specific one in a subcategory. For example, there could be a subcategory for Into Fire. The run starts when you load into the world and ends when you obtain the advancement. Please give feedback :)

I8achopstick likes this


South Carolina, USA

Um couldn't u just open inventory instantly...

Washington, USA

@Whacamacallit that's an achievement, not an advancment

Washington, USA

I mean it would be pretty similar to other categorys, like obtain diamond is also probably the wr for this category already

Liquan likes this
South Korea

advancement: free the end

BruhWasNeverHere, Tutterey, and CZX like this
Basque Country

if we put of rule "get any advancement" idk about advancements a lot in this game but i think it starts with having a crafting table, which would mean just getting to mine it as fast as posible it would be even some times more stupier than diamond%, you would only have to start mining it as fast as posible and keep, and the spawn for it is prob easier than a chest with a diamond unless you get a seed where you can get an axe from a chest and then the crafting table, or the wood to craft the crafting table idk

United States

its could be a sub category to aa

Basque Country

that would mean it counting as a base category of the same importance which is even less probable for not saying imposible to happend

Madrid, Spain

The mods could make them ILs in the CE board, excluding some (crafying table, diamond and free the end, the ones that are either categories already or very mundane) I think it would be a great idea and maybe if people start doing runs they will add it.

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1.19 Categories + Cover Me In Debris

Split select categories affected by the 1.19 update:

• Added 1.19 split to All Advancements. • Added 1.19+ split to How Did We Get Here? • Added 1.19+ split to All Wood Logs. • Added 1.19+ split to Kill All Bosses: ‣ Kill the Ender Dragon, a Wither, an Elder Guardian, and a Ward

1 year ago