Celebrating Summoning Salt Video Anniversary
Celebrating Summoning Salt Video Anniversary
Posted 7 months ago by

In celebration of the 1 year anniversary since the release of Summoning Salt's world record history of TCS Any% (here if you haven't watched it, highly recommend!), we will be holding a public Any% race this Friday at 6PM EST. Anyone can join! Tune in on twitch.tv/legospeedruns, where the event will be streamed, to keep an eye on who's in the lead and all the participants.

And it doesn't stop there. This Sunday at 5PM EST, a relay with the top TCS categories between the top TCS runners will be ran, featuring Team Zac (Zac, BaconSoda, Bricko, and WiiSuper) and Team Eroadhouse (Eroadhouse, Rapho, Anonymous, and FrostByte). These runners will go head to head, 1 vs. 1 in TCS's top categories, and whoever finishes all the categories first, wins. Check it out on twitch.tv/legospeedruns.

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TCS Any% Race Live @ PACE 2024

Our very own WiiSuper, Zac, Ginger, and Jared are racing TCS Any% live at PACE 2024, at Noon EST (in about 30 minutes)!

Check it out here:

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