No Hometurf
5 years ago
Indiana, USA

I hate how even if people specialize in a certain track or engine class, there's no actual "home field advantage".

I know speed-running is VERY competitive, but come the f--k on...


isn't that obvious? I mean there'd be a "home turf" when you'd've actually made said track :)

Indiana, USA

No need to be a smart-butt, Zioplys.

Besides, what I mean is that even if you specialize in a certain track (like me in CZ or Zioplys in Notreal), or a certain engine class (like 50cc belonging to Zioplys or 100cc being more my speed)...

You get no extra leverage when defending your records.


why would you? also; laughs in 100CC

Edited by the author 5 years ago
South Australia, Australia

Yeah i don't get this, if you run something more, you are more likely to be more skillful at it, what more do you need to get/keep a wr.

Zioplys likes this
Indiana, USA

This is more ridiculous than putting pineapple on pizza...


ill keep it real with you chief, how tf does it make any sort of sense that if some outperforms you, their work could be disregarded entirely because someone else has a meaningless "claim" over the course

and you've said this would "encourage competition," but once anyone gets a decent run and become the "specialist" in that course, competition would completely cease because you'd have to get a time /way/ lower than theirs just to get record. for perspective, say the record holder for a category got a shit time of, lets say, 4 minutes. someone else could easily overcome that and set a better wr. but then, someone else gets a decent time of 2 minutes - definitely room for improvement, but so little of it that no one could realistically get the wr, even if they beat it multiple times, just because 30% time gets added to their runs.

everyone who takes records from others does it fairly, because they've put the same amount of time as anyone else into their courses (or are just naturally better maybe lul). "extra leverage" has never been a thing in the speedrunning community because everyone already plays on a level field. i legit have no idea where this came from outside of your records being taken from you - which is to be expected in a community solely revolving around improving records.

not trying to be super mean or anything. i, and everyone else, just really can't understand how this would be beneficial in any capacity.

quoshi, ureadmyname, and Zioplys like this
Indiana, USA

Hey, if you want to poop on me, at least don't build a giant wall of text on me.

I was making a legitimate gripe about how "specialists" get disrespected, and you want to go all Gordon Ramsay on me.

Honestly, I don't even know why I try sometimes.

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