Current Patch Any% Strategies
Current Patch Any% Strategies
Updated 2 years ago by Just_Ben



Classroom Skip: By running to the shelf the key is on top of and pulling it down killing 3 bullies, the teacher will send a 4th to kill you. In 1.0.0 you were able to get him stuck behind the shelf after it fell and grab the key and go. Unfortunately the devs patched it, but speedrunners found another way to do it. By killing all 3 bullies with the shelf and attracting the 4th bully you can un-agro him by standing on the back of the shelf until he stops moving, letting you to grab the key and run to safety.

Biology Room: Unfortunately there is no skip to replace the 1.0.0 skip that completely skips the whole section, so it has been strategiesed. This is the fastest way to complete the biology room in current patch


Fuse Dupe: In the hospital you were able to duplicate a fuse completely skipping the challenge in getting both fuses.

This is the fastest strategy to get the first fuse

The mannequins are the worst part about the hospital, especially for a casual player. But with enough practice they are quite easy.

The Morgue Room Drop: Unfortunately no real Skip or strategy has been found to replace the old 1.0.0 Skip. So just do it as fast as possible.

The Pale City:

Hanger Skip: In the 1.0.0 Patch of the game the hanger skip was when you jumped to the hanger and swung off the hanger to get a checkpoint over the bridge. However the checkpoint trigger was adjusted and this skip was patched in the Current Patch version. Later after the patch speedrunners were able to find a better way of doing the skip without even needing the checkpoint.

Six Skip: In 1.0.0 You were able to grab the handle without six when she was in the rubble with ease. The devs claimed to have adjusted the rubble so that doing it was impossible in the Current Patch. Not too long after the new patch was released a new skip was found

The Black Tower: There are no major patches in the chapter that chnage the run but dont forget to save the bowl. Or else...