submitting subsets of full game runs and bomb order
I have 2 questions. First, can I submit an individual level or Extreme% if it is part of a full game run? Second can I do bombs within a section in the order of my choice? For example for the exotic bombs can I do wire sequences as the last bomb after blinkenlights 2?
This is hard to say.
I think that for any% you can't, as "any%" implies you could do it from a clean start
But for the other categories you can, just make sure to actually do all bombs required for that category
- yes: you unlock a section at a time in a clean save, so you can do the bombs in the section in any order that you wish
Recent runs
Level: 1.3 "The First Bomb"
Level: 1.3 "The First Bomb"
Level: 1.3 "The First Bomb"