Tips for Dashing?
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA

I'm having trouble getting dashing to work consistently. I can double tap the d-pad, but that's a lot of extra inputs. So my question is; Does anyone have some tips to make it easier?

Like does the pro controller makes it much easier? I'd rather not buy one if it's only a little bit better. Maybe I just need more practice, but it's really annoying when you have to keep slamming the joystick left/right as hard as I can just to get him to dash.


Learn the route / practice or whatever while still "slamming" the joystick. Eventually it becomes natural. I had the exact same problem as you when I was playing the game casually

AriesFireTiger likes this
Minnesota, USA

I just realized you can actually click the joystick in. Well that solves that. Thanks for the advice though.

United States

For me it just dashed automatically most of the time.

United States

B31JS, same, all you have to do is put the analog stick in a direction, and not half way, and it dashes

I'm actually kind of confused why people have had trouble with dashing but maybe im just used to it

United States

Yeah I’ve been playing games for a long time that have a double tap dash mechanic so I do it naturally anyway.