Category Discussion
9 years ago

So Any% Co-op: is it viable, and if so, how/where do we define the starting point of the run?


How do we then ensure that at the start of the first mission, everyone is on an even playing field? The XP you get in the tutorial mission can vary.


Alright, so quite a few people have come to me about how the categories are set up. From feedback, I think we should redo them like so:

  • ILs are fine.
  • Lv20% categories should be removed.
  • Story runs become: Any%, All Levels, NG+ All Levels, NG+ All Levels Co-op (all excluding DLC).
  • Still waiting on Any% Co-op rules.
  • CE splits to CE Solo and CE Co-op, VoG stays one category (can't be soloed).


Maine, USA

I think we shouldn't have to wait for the 30 second timer to countdown you can check the mission summary by pressing select when in orbit


Fair point. That was originally to prevent people from just doing half the mission and claiming the time, but since we require a video it doesn't really matter now. Changed.

Maine, USA

This is something I've been thinking about for a while the raids are technically level runs not full game runs.


Yeah they are, but with the way formats the leaderboards, they fit better in the full-game area.

Maine, USA

I've been thinking about some new misc category run that would be a good addition to the leader boards. The runs would be NG+ Earth missions and the same for the rest of the planets. The other idea was NG+ side mission only and NG+ main missions only. These runs were apart of forums on the SDA forums and I think they could be a great addition to the leader boards.


If there was enough support for planets/main missions only (NG+ Story?) I could see them becoming their own categories. The thing is, we already have 4 "not IL" categories and 3 don't get any attention, so adding more doesn't make a lot of sense unless there's demand for them.

Side missions only feels kinda silly, personally.

Maine, USA

I was aware of the lack of support the RTA runs get I've gotta be honest I think the any% non NG+ will not get any attention since I don't know anyone that would delete one of there 32 characters just to do a speed run. I made sure to make a post in the forums before doing anything to the leader boards which was good thinking on my part since you and the other mods were here first.

I actually enjoy side mission only its the only RTA I run a lot.

Ohio, USA

I wouldn't see a problem with deleting a character just cuz ypu can move all the items to another character mean while

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