All Badges / Wonder?% / 5 Medals
7 months ago
Ã…rhus, Denmark

In short form it's 100% but without standees...


It's kind of a pointless distinction in my opinion. I'm playing through a 100% run (not a speedrun) and haven't died or replayed any levels except for ~10 deaths in the special world levels I've done so far. Not even done with world 5, collecting every purple coin I see in my path, and I only need 1000 purple coins for the 20 remaining standees I need and the 4 post-game badges. The latter half of world 5, world 6, bowsers castle and the rest of special world will definitely give me the coins I need.

It's not really like this distinction between 100% and Wonder?% will be that big. You still need to go out of your way to collect purple coins in levels in Wonder?% cos there's >1000 coins worth of collectibles in shops you need. You can't just dash to the end of every level in Wonder?% because you need to go for every collectible anyways. The real difference between the 2 categories is just the 10 minutes you spend pressing A in the shops and needing to collect purple coins in more levels than you would in Wonder?%.

So if you want that then more power to you I guess.


The real difference between the 2 categories is just the 10 minutes you spend pressing A in the shops and needing to collect purple coins in more levels than you would in Wonder?%.


In an unoptimal run where I spent more time grabbing flower coins than a WR would, I still had to grind for flower coins for approximately 30 minutes in my unverified 100% run. It's more than just pressing A in the shops, you have actual flower coin routing involved rather. You get so many flower coins that in an All Badges run you won't need to route that at all except for in the beginning of the run (remember, you must collect the 10-Flower Coins too to get the final badge.)

While in 100%, you really need to be mindful of when and where you spend your coins, so you don't end up with 999 flower coins (losing coins), while also grabbing as many as you can without losing time. If you manage to grab 19 extra flower coins while losing 5 seconds, that saves 28 seconds as you can do one less run of grinding. Flower coin routing is a must in 100%.

Unrelated but why the fuck did SR.C get rid of the old quoting? God.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
United States

I've done 4 100% runs and have had to grind coins for standees in all of them, including my casual first play. I think it would be nice to have a category beyond any% but sans coin grinding. The coin grinding isn't that bad really, but All Badges would be a cleaner and more fun category overall imo


yeah thats my bad, I got through world 6 and got hit with having to pay 500 of my flower coins for the badge, exits and a wonder seed. So I was wrong.


i will say that it's possible to do a 100% run without the need for grinding coins at all if you gather enough of them during the run. i finished a run of 6:02:19 about an hour ago as of writing this, and i bought all standees before i even played the final 2 levels.

United States

Coin grinding or not aside, I still think it's a worthy category.

Basque Country

this category idea has become kinda popular among a few runners in the comunity with times around 5:1x , on the concede that this is basicaly 100% but removing the coin grinding AND, most importantly, removing the huge RNG on the random standees, which is very annoying to actualy be competitive on the category

said that, 100% actualy makes you consistently route for optimizing every purple coin possible, to help on standees, which makes for an important differentiation betwen both categories each one with it's interesting parts; so, not unmeriting any of them, i believe there is no reason not to exist both of them in it's own, as different categories

so yea all badges would be a great category to add

keiron01 likes this
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100% and All Badges Leaderboard Changes

Hello Wonder runners!

We have just concluded our poll in the SMBW Speedrunning Discord regarding the "All Badges" category, and it has been determined that the category will now be under the 100% subcategory "No Standees." This also means that true 100% runs will be found under "100% - Standees."

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