Any % 1st by gossyo is not legit
3 years ago
United States

I've watched the video. I've tried to replicate the run on a Japanese version of the game. Unless there's something very specific about the Japanese version on the Wii that allows the overflow glitch to happen with only one party member, it cannot be done. If that is the case, it should have it's own separate category. In every other version of the game, you require a full team to trigger the glitch.

My conclusion is that the video was made through editing to make it look like the glitch occurs, when they've really just clipped in another video at the end of their run and placed a timer in the corner.

Prove me wrong.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

While I too have replicated it as exactly as I could without success, the ability to overflow with one party member has been shown possible in the any% TAS.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

Due to there being an absurd number of factors that go into the way the game handles the overflow, even the way that is documented as reliable is still not 100%. You could easily dump the full hour or so into it and have the run die at the end because the glitch just doesn't work. Is it the wrong timing for holding buttons at the end? Does it have to do with the in-game timer? Do you have the wrong quantity or location of an item that should be irrelevant? Is your GP not exactly the same? Step counter?

United States

While I haven't seen TAZ run, this run is still suspicious. There is more than just needing a full team that this run doesn't do. You also need to put in null pointers in the RGB values before inserting the values that take you to the end of the game. There were no null pointers inserted at all. They also used 18 5 3 as their first pointer, when 18 5 0 is the correct value to take the game to the world of ruin. They also used 18 21 24 as the 3rd pointer instead of 18 21 19.

I have kept the item location and quantity, as well as the step counter in mind when testing this. I intend to test this further, but at this point it seems highly sus.

United States

Additionally, not one person has been able to replicate this run.

United States

@DYne: It appears you're confirming my assumption that this is only possible with the Japanese version on the Wii, in which case this should be a separate category.

Also noticed that in this run they had significantly less steps taken, and did not require buying Echo Screens.

EDIT: The gold count is the same (3012) which is probably why 3x Echo Screens were bought.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ontario, Canada

The Japanese Snes vs Japanese Wii runs are very different routes. It should be in its own pool but glhf with that happening, unless your going for WR it doesn't matter.


The solo Terra Any% route was done in the past on the US version as a TAS but requires precise inputs and is extremely unlikely to achieve on console. The glitch triggering the credit call is extremely precise and random (behavior changes every frame or so and changes based on how many party members you have + your controller inputs) and there's a lot more than meets the eye especially with that route. While possible on paper to achieve on RTA for the US, nobody actually sat down and grinded a super low success rate glitch that takes 30mins to setup and only has one shot.

Solo Terra Any% TAS + Technical glitch info below:

Some runners attempted in the past to replicate the Solo Terra setup on US version (myself included) and the consistency isn't there. The reason the 4 party member route was created is to have consistency on the glitch. Kadmony was the one who came up with the 4 party route and made possible triggering the glitch on RTA. If you want more information about the glitch you can watch this video :

buffalax likes this
United States

I do appreciate the replies. I'm glad that there is some discussion going on. When I first posted, I was worried that this forum was dead, and am happy that we can have some constructive dialogue regarding a game that we all love.

Some other notes I want to point out. Did anyone notice that gossyo's run finished with a white screen, which is what I have come to expect when running the 4 party member route. But the video posted by Dyne went to a black screen before the credits started rolling? The credits in that video also seemed to start sooner than they typically do on an average any % run. While I have been able to replicate the black screen (and yes, it does require incredibly precise timing) with a solo Terra run, I have not been able to get the credits to start rolling after that. I am using the BSNES emulator for my runs btw.

I will do some more research on this, and put in some more time testing it. At this point I am still skeptical about it being possible on any system other than a Wii.

EDIT: Other differences between the two runs involve the in game time and steps taken. gossyo had taken 704 steps before their final save, and the in game time was at 20 minutes. The other video had taken 533 steps, and the in game timer was at 14 mins when they made their final save.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

So I've been testing this for a majority of the day, and the glitch doesn't trigger on the Japanese version of the game even through normal means. It's not surprising that there is no Any % JP runs with the overflow glitch. I've tried everything I could think of. Using the standard 27 26 22 null value as well as the 15 11 14 that was used in both videos, combined with both sets of endgame pointers. I've done it the way they did it using Window 4. I've done it the way most people do it with Windows 2-3. I've done it the way I usually do it with extra null pointers. I've even flooded every Window with null pointers except for the last 4 positions. I've tried each multiple times, in case my timing with the button presses was off. I've tried it while also holding L + R in addition to Start + Select. I have not gotten the overflow glitch to trigger even once on the Japanese version.

So I'm at the conclusion that I started with when I made the original post. It's either specific to that exact version of the game, and on no other platform (and should not be included in this category). Or the videos were doctored.


Looks like you only looking the speedrun on the surface through VODs and trying to replicate what you see and instead of trying to understand why it doesn't work, you simply call it fake and make a thread about it.

The inputs and setup are different based on what platform you are playing on. So yes the setup on JP vs US on console is different and JP Console vs JP WiiU could be different because of emulator differences vs hardware. The run was made on WiiU because Eddie (Japanese FF6 researcher who made the video Dyne posted above) found a setup for it on that platform and someone else submitted a run out of it.

As far as separating categories, ultimately nobody really cares. It's Any%. Rarely anybody plays FF6 that way compared to the other categories where they are already separated. Any% is a cool tech demo of what you can do with the game, but as far as a speedrun and learning the game and enjoying FF6, I would suggest looking into Glitchless or New Game+.

Glitchless is a good complete speedrun of the game, and New Game+ (which is very well documented) is a quick way to finish the game in a very short amount of time with crazy glitches. Or if you want glitches but still want to play FF6, look into No Sketch/Sketch for a 4 hour run.

buffalax, Remy_rm and 5 others like this
United States

I really don't think it's fair to the people who deserve to have their run placed 1st and 2nd vs 2nd and 3rd. Maybe they don't care? I doubt it. I know if I put up a sub 50 time that I wouldn't want to be knocked out of the top because someone playing on another platform did something that I have no way of doing no matter how many times I tried.

But you have three different categories for Glitchless runs, each on various platforms, and the only difference is that those runs are more popular. So those get separate categories because there are more people playing, and that's it. Even ignoring that, there is a category for Any% (JP). So why put gossyo's run in the category where every other run was made on an English version of the game?

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I mean, if you look at a lot of speedrunning communities, there are versions that are just outright faster lumped in with other versions all the time, especially between US and Japan. Undertale has a couple of categories but even in those categories, some versions are better, including one that is extremely difficult to get nowadays. Heck, Chrono Trigger has absolutely no version separation. And the runs are wildly different from each other between SNES US, SNES JP, & everything else. And I hate to say it, but more than bein about popularity, any% is mostly a meme category. Nobody wants to watch it, nobody wants to run it. It only exists because it's literally the fastest way to beat the game from a fresh save.

United States

I understand what you are saying, but there is literally a category called "Any% (JP)" that already exists. Machoch brought this up in another thread, but literally no one responded to his post. It seems relevant. I mean sure, this isn't a popular category. But is it unpopular because it's boring, or is it unpopular because there is zero chance of taking 1st?

United States
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I mean, from a practical standpoint, it bears no similarity to the runs in Any% (JP). Plus, technically, the category it's in isn't Any% (US). It's just Any%.

United States

Let me also point out one more thing. You guys are saying that the inputs for performing the glitch in this manner are so precise that it requires a TAS to pull it off. But at the same time, someone who couldn't even do the Whelk quick kill, nor avoid battles before the Marshal fight, managed to do it? Yeah, I'm not buying that.

Ontario, Canada

That is not what Sabin said at all, what he said was ""The solo Terra Any% route was done in the past on the US version as a TAS but requires precise inputs and is extremely unlikely to achieve on console"" Have you tried doing the Solo Terra TAS route with the subframe resets? Not once did he mention the 4 man chart having precise inputs. You have come in here, claim a run is cheated cause you can't replicate it with no proof at all. A well respected member of the community gives you all the details and you are still on your original thought process. Stop picking and choosing small sections to fit your narrative and look a the whole picture

Edited by the author 3 years ago
buffalax, BARNAXjunior and 5 others like this
United States

What are you reading? I, ME, not anyone else, said that the 4 man route on the Japanese version of the game doesn't trigger the way the US version does. I said that I literally tested it with every possible combination of null pointers and endgame pointers that were listed above, and could not get it to trigger once. Maybe I should have recorded or streamed that, but I didn't think anyone would want to watch me cycle through the colors for hours.

I also said that I tried the solo Terra route, and couldn't get it to trigger, but I also said that I needed to do more research and test it more.

I also said that there were differences between video that you posted and the one that gossyo submitted for their run. I then outlined those differences, namely the step count, in game timer, and the way the end screen switches over to the credits.

It was also stated that for the Japanese version on the Wii to trigger the glitch, it required precise inputs regarding timing, and other steps to setup the backend of the software. So I brought up the fact that it's hard to believe someone who didn't even attempt the Whelk quick kill, and didn't bypass any of the battles before the Marshal fight, was still somehow capable of doing something that none of you have been able to do.

So let's take it from the top. gossyo missed the quick kill on Whelk. gossyo did not bypass battles before the Marshal fight. gossyo got the white screen when skipping to the credits, where the video you posted got the black screen while playing the same version on the same platform. The step count, game time, and pathing were completely different. Not one of you has been able to reproduce this run, on any platform. And you're telling me that there is no doubt in your mind that it's legitimate. That is the WHOLE PICTURE, as you put it.

And then you attack me for pointing all of this stuff out and saying that there's something wrong here. Believe whatever you want, but you're a fool if you didn't at least question the validity of that run.

United States

Considering there are other posts in this forum that have gone without a single comment, I felt that it was necessary to go to the extreme with the OP to get people talking. It seemed like this forum was completely dead. And yes, there is a lot of toxicity in this thread, but there is a fair amount coming from the rest of the community as well. It's no wonder people don't comment very often. I'm surely not the only person who hasn't felt welcomed by the community, and it's not surprising that only a couple of people still play this game.