2 years ago
Minnesota, USA

if you want to speedrun you gotta buy the game. that’s pretty much true with any game. there will probably be like 1 demo category but it will be so much more worth it to just buy the game

United States

Players have done runs of the Demo, It's unlikely that am official board will be made for them, but there are some google docs out there and runs on youtube. The WR, as far as I'm aware is:

Toronto, ON, Canada

The demo is actually a little different from the actual game, and there are demo categories in other games that have demos, so maybe just wait and see. You should just buy the game though, its definetly worth it.

But also a demo speedrun would still be cool for people who maybe CAN'T buy the game.

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USB Keyboard Ruling Update

So, uh, this was something I meant to post after it was made official and forgot to do in a timely manner. Sorry for that. Anyways, this is something that's already been in effect for just over a week, but in the event it hasn't been seen: The topic came back up and we've decided to allow for USB ke

2 years ago
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