Can someone tell me where all the secrets are
10 months ago
United States

I got the 1-1 secret and spent like 20 minutes but i cant find any other secrets.

VSwede likes this
Halland, Sweden

They are tricky to find, but I'll list each one here:

  • Level 1-1: In the kitchen, which is accessible through the food vent.
  • Level 1-2: In Stage 2, there's a wall panel that is gone that accesses a room dedicated to a dear friend of mine who actually worked on some of the 2D and UI art for the game!
  • Level 1-3: In the starting hub, there's a piece of the wall that has been blown out.
  • Level 1-4: In Level 4 Lab 2, accessible via putting in the right combination code.
  • Level ML-1: There's an invisible wall in the starting room that has the secret.
  • Level ML-1 (again): In between Stages 1 and 2, there's a room with a big screen.

Thanks for playing, I hope it's enjoyable! :D