6 years ago
Georgia, USA

I was just wandering if glitchless catagorys would be added or if it was decided it wouldn't effect enough runs to be worth adding. The main reason I want these is because I play on console and thus can't preform the golden pumpkin glitch so I can't participate in Joja% or any other runs using the glitch.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

There are enough runs, that actually don't use this glitch. I'm not 100% sure which ones, but like you said, it makes not many difference to many runs and to add 10 new categories, 95% won't run. I'm not sure, if that is what this game needs ;)


It doesnt matter people wont run.. there should be catagorys for even 5% of the runners.. they can make alot of runs and somewhat grab other runners to run this way too.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

I don't think you understand what I mean. If there would be people that approach me with ideas I listen.

But who said that Glitchless is slower than glitched routes? We have several categories that show that you don't even need to use a glitch to beat that category the fastest way.

Stardew Valley is very unique with the glitches, because you lose mostly time when you use these glitches. (EXCEPT: Pumpkin Dupe and sometimes Infinite Energy) But the main thing is, that you have to develop a route first and try to run it. Noone approached me with a route or even a Run of a certain way, but demanding that i should add them, because "maybe" People are interested in them.

Just show me, that you are interested. Go in the Discord and strike up a conversation about routes or do a run and then post it to us and show us that you are interested in a certain Playstyle.

You have to remember, we just can't add categories the whole time and let them clear, because noone wants to run them. This Game has a lot of categories already, but it doesn't mean that it has a lot of variety.

So to wrap it up. Show us that you are interested, we gladly help to figure out ways and stuff.

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Alright folks, it's been a week since 1.6 dropped and it's already been a wild start! So many new mechanics, QoL fixes, and general nonsense. We're going to start lifting the embargo here on 1.6 runs, sometime tonight the options should populate on SRC and you'll be able to select the new version. W

1 month ago