Separate categories for speedruns
2 years ago

sounds pointless idk

East Riding of Yorkshire, England

It is fair. Choose to play a slower version, get a slower time.

L0UIE likes this

"glitches and mods" XDXD care to show some examples maybe?

L0UIE likes this
Ontario, Canada

Uhhh mods aren’t allowed in runs

Cornwall, England

PC runs faster than the console versions making it impossible for console players to compete with their times, plus most other games on this site have the PC/ console in separate categories so why can't GTA have them also? I really think having separate categories for the system your playing on should be considered

meci_crackudo likes this

you're literally only doing race ILs and nothing else, which include no loading screens so how PC "runs faster"? i would understand your point more if you did some actual (full game) runs but right now it doesn't make no sense at all lol cause cars don't magically move twice as fast in PC version no?

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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Regarding Definitive Edition Leaderboards:

There will be an embargo for speedruns of the definitive edition of 2 weeks. What this means is that the mods of the respective games will not accept any run that is completed before Nov 25th. This is both to allow everyone to actually play the game, and

2 years ago